So last Sunday David Sean and I ended up finding a camping site at midnight, and sleeping under the stars. We only pitch a tent if rain is an issue. Ended up in a little trouble with the clear creek authorities for speeding on dirt roads (ones that require a CO plate) but nothing serious. Can't blame the cops, they were up there cleaning up after someone who lost control at midnight. In the morning we climbed Bierstadt (14060'), and had steak, pipe tobacco, roasted peppers, quesadillas, and beer at the top. Dont trust luxuries under 14000 feet elevation. As usual we were overtaking everyone we came by and they gave me a sour look cause I was kicking their asses while smoking above 14000 feet elevation. The descent involved some fun glacading with pipes; I usually go on my stomach and had a couple of jumps.
up Quandry
This morning at 01:32 am I was on top of Quandry (14265'). I started the East Ridge trail with David and Katie around 22:30 with a full moon at 10850 (off Wheeler). The hike roundtrip is 6.75 miles and 3450 elevation gain. I stayed with them until they decided to stop around 12000 feet elevation at about 00:30. They were still below Monte Cristo (scroll map right) which was about 1/3 or the trail and about 1/6 of the energy used during the accent. I ended up spraining my ankle with around 300 or 400 meters of vertical climb to go. During the day sheets of snow on the mountain side are soft, but I ended up grabbing some rocks to overhand my way up the ice. Note we left in 40 Fahrenheit temperatures and we got back with 33 degree temperatures. Standard rule is 10 to 15 degrees of temp drop every 2000 of elevation gain. It was easily below freezing without wind chill at the top, and it was kinda windy. I ended up taking cover every time a gust of wind came up so I would stay on the mountain.
"when i'm exersicing i get exercised"-sleepy and slightly intoxicated David
down Quandry
I sotrta kept tradition by smoking a cigar instead of a pipe on the way up (its just not the same though, sorry Sean). After using 6 lines in the registry I took a nap and ended up coming back down the mountain at around 02:05. Bless that full moon and my led headlamp with a red filter; I made wonderful time coming down with some sliding and skipping through scree and quick stepping rock stairs. I was back below 11750 by 02:40 am. Estimate 2200 gain and 2.25 miles one way in the dark at 1 hour up and half hour coming down. Total sleep was from 5 to 7am but after a nap and ignoring pains in my back I feel pretty damn awesome this evening. Might have something to do with the full moon hike/run ^^. i now have sizteen 14ers, if you include Cameron and if i actually summited Castle (another night hike and i found no registry).
"i know a good neck when i see one"
So last Sunday David Sean and I ended up finding a camping site at midnight, and sleeping under the stars. We only pitch a tent if rain is an issue. Ended up in a little trouble with the clear creek authorities for speeding on dirt roads (ones that require a CO plate) but nothing serious. Can't blame the cops, they were up there cleaning up after someone who lost control at midnight. In the morning we climbed Bierstadt (14060'), and had steak, pipe tobacco, roasted peppers, quesadillas, and beer at the top. Dont trust luxuries under 14000 feet elevation. As usual we were overtaking everyone we came by and they gave me a sour look cause I was kicking their asses while smoking above 14000 feet elevation. The descent involved some fun glacading with pipes; I usually go on my stomach and had a couple of jumps.
up Quandry
This morning at 01:32 am I was on top of Quandry (14265'). I started the East Ridge trail with David and Katie around 22:30 with a full moon at 10850 (off Wheeler). The hike roundtrip is 6.75 miles and 3450 elevation gain. I stayed with them until they decided to stop around 12000 feet elevation at about 00:30. They were still below Monte Cristo (scroll map right) which was about 1/3 or the trail and about 1/6 of the energy used during the accent. I ended up spraining my ankle with around 300 or 400 meters of vertical climb to go. During the day sheets of snow on the mountain side are soft, but I ended up grabbing some rocks to overhand my way up the ice. Note we left in 40 Fahrenheit temperatures and we got back with 33 degree temperatures. Standard rule is 10 to 15 degrees of temp drop every 2000 of elevation gain. It was easily below freezing without wind chill at the top, and it was kinda windy. I ended up taking cover every time a gust of wind came up so I would stay on the mountain.
"when i'm exersicing i get exercised"-sleepy and slightly intoxicated David
down Quandry
I sotrta kept tradition by smoking a cigar instead of a pipe on the way up (its just not the same though, sorry Sean). After using 6 lines in the registry I took a nap and ended up coming back down the mountain at around 02:05. Bless that full moon and my led headlamp with a red filter; I made wonderful time coming down with some sliding and skipping through scree and quick stepping rock stairs. I was back below 11750 by 02:40 am. Estimate 2200 gain and 2.25 miles one way in the dark at 1 hour up and half hour coming down. Total sleep was from 5 to 7am but after a nap and ignoring pains in my back I feel pretty damn awesome this evening. Might have something to do with the full moon hike/run ^^. i now have sizteen 14ers, if you include Cameron and if i actually summited Castle (another night hike and i found no registry).
"i know a good neck when i see one"
YOU FUCKING STARTED IT. i was just trying to wash my face!

Come home, already. I'm bored and need to learn how to ride a bike.