On Tuesday evening an unanswered question unfolded itself as I was riding on the bike path. What exactly does it take to break a bone in elewiss body that is not a digit or a rib? The answer: about 40mph in one direction, 30 in the other, a full backpack on a concrete bike path. I was heading east on the bike path around Gold Run Apts and was a little to the right of dead center on the path. The moon is less than half full and there are clouds and trees making the path dark. As I come around the last corner (Im on the outside) I realize there is something about 3 feet in front of me and before I know it Im on the ground. Since I was on the outside corner my light was pointing to the right of the path. I didnt even have time to brake, and Im sure things would have turned out better if he had a light like I did. I hit him so hard head on that my fron tire (rubber is quite compressable) sheered the rod for his quick release.
I spent a few minuets on the ground sprawled out in a rag doll like position (left side, legs twisted with my left arm extended to the front and my right arm to the back) trying to figure out what happened before I realize I ran into another biker. I ask him if he is ok and he responds with a yeah, although I might have some scratches. He asks me and I tell him that Im not sure yet. I spent another couple of minuets trying to take my pack off and couldnt figure out why picking myself up with my left arm was impossible. I rolled on my stomach and start checking for things like fluid out of my ears and eventually come across my left collarbone. It was separated enough to fit my index finger completely through the two pieces of bone. Standing up was difficult because the bone was readjusting with gravity and the movements of my muscles. After the bone settled in a little better X-rays show about 3-4 mm gap between the now parallel pieces of my clavicle and my left shoulder is around 34-36mm closer to my spinal column.
I thing I also broke my tail bone and my left knee is beat up pretty bad. My right hand collided into his handlebars (30 and 40 is 70mph of collision) and I think there is a fracture along the metacarpal bone for my ring finger. There are also pieces of bone floating around in two of my knuckles (at the metacarpophalangeal joints). My neck and back are killing me because of new trauma to different muscles and ligaments and of course the history that goes into my back problems. The other guy has a few abrasions on his knee. He wasnt even wearing a helmet! If I didnt have a full pack on I doubt I would have snapped my clavicle and Im sure the helmet saved me from a 10th concussion in my life.
David (bless that man) helped me out and I am home safe and sound after a trip to the ER and then the grocer. Yes, I did buy more groceries than I can carry ^*. We also had some strange looks in the store, which was fairly busy. I was limping around without a shirt on in a sling and had a hospital band on my wrist. I bought David some milk for driving me home. My bike and car are in boulder and I am sufficiently dosed on pain meds to be rendered unsafe in a drivers seat. Really doesnt hurt much, but muscle spasms slow the healing process. I missed classes and work on Wednesday and Thursday but can hopefully make it for Friday. All my friends are being wonderfully supportive and nice. You can imagine the right hand and left shoulder make things like writing and typing difficult. The tail bone makes it hard to sit or lie down, and the knee makes it hard to walk around, or to get up and sit down. Ive been doing a lot of pacing, and thinking. I should play games or watch a movie to make myself sit still. I could work on school, and have only done two assignments (pain meds kill ambition too). Everyone, thanks all for your help.
PS: sounds like everyone wants another party at the house of MadScience and QuNybble. When do you all want it? It will be potluck style.
I spent a few minuets on the ground sprawled out in a rag doll like position (left side, legs twisted with my left arm extended to the front and my right arm to the back) trying to figure out what happened before I realize I ran into another biker. I ask him if he is ok and he responds with a yeah, although I might have some scratches. He asks me and I tell him that Im not sure yet. I spent another couple of minuets trying to take my pack off and couldnt figure out why picking myself up with my left arm was impossible. I rolled on my stomach and start checking for things like fluid out of my ears and eventually come across my left collarbone. It was separated enough to fit my index finger completely through the two pieces of bone. Standing up was difficult because the bone was readjusting with gravity and the movements of my muscles. After the bone settled in a little better X-rays show about 3-4 mm gap between the now parallel pieces of my clavicle and my left shoulder is around 34-36mm closer to my spinal column.

I thing I also broke my tail bone and my left knee is beat up pretty bad. My right hand collided into his handlebars (30 and 40 is 70mph of collision) and I think there is a fracture along the metacarpal bone for my ring finger. There are also pieces of bone floating around in two of my knuckles (at the metacarpophalangeal joints). My neck and back are killing me because of new trauma to different muscles and ligaments and of course the history that goes into my back problems. The other guy has a few abrasions on his knee. He wasnt even wearing a helmet! If I didnt have a full pack on I doubt I would have snapped my clavicle and Im sure the helmet saved me from a 10th concussion in my life.
David (bless that man) helped me out and I am home safe and sound after a trip to the ER and then the grocer. Yes, I did buy more groceries than I can carry ^*. We also had some strange looks in the store, which was fairly busy. I was limping around without a shirt on in a sling and had a hospital band on my wrist. I bought David some milk for driving me home. My bike and car are in boulder and I am sufficiently dosed on pain meds to be rendered unsafe in a drivers seat. Really doesnt hurt much, but muscle spasms slow the healing process. I missed classes and work on Wednesday and Thursday but can hopefully make it for Friday. All my friends are being wonderfully supportive and nice. You can imagine the right hand and left shoulder make things like writing and typing difficult. The tail bone makes it hard to sit or lie down, and the knee makes it hard to walk around, or to get up and sit down. Ive been doing a lot of pacing, and thinking. I should play games or watch a movie to make myself sit still. I could work on school, and have only done two assignments (pain meds kill ambition too). Everyone, thanks all for your help.
PS: sounds like everyone wants another party at the house of MadScience and QuNybble. When do you all want it? It will be potluck style.
Wow, that's pretty interesting! Ha, bet you fit into Golden well, being king nerd and all. It'd be cool if you did some lectures here though, I'm still taking some intro classes....
No more weed for you Asshat.