Just because someone didnt go to collage or aqcired a "higher education" doesnt mean they arent knowledgeable...much like Buddha true knowledge is learned through time and experience, though i might be young i use other peoples expericnes,faults,failures, accopmishment, tridutations, relationships, heart breaks, and what makes them happy, sad, angry, hopeful, as well as their beliefs, gods, thoughts of the meaning of life...and take them as my own. Thinking of how I would react in their situations, compare thier thoughts with mind as well as expericnes and compare the same to everyone else i know....but back to the rise to a "higher education"...sure u get a piece of paper that says u were a good listener and know how to fill out pieces of ppaer the right way...but to be able to use the knowledge you've earned yourself through life to help your fellow person and leave your mark as not a person but an idea is so much better then to have a piece of paper...because my friends paper burns like everything else...nothing out last time in the struggle survival..except ideas, beliefs, and dust.
I won't get there until March-ish.
No, I'm going to Walker.