Bah.. I haven't fallen off the face of the planet yet..
I'm still alive. Just been a bit busy and stuff.
Went to Waterloo for the weekend to visit my friend Nick. I guess it was fun.
I hate snow.. and ice.. seriously lol
Im healthy again by the way. Now just need to catch up on my work.
so I've been praying to Santa...
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I'm still alive. Just been a bit busy and stuff.
Went to Waterloo for the weekend to visit my friend Nick. I guess it was fun.
I hate snow.. and ice.. seriously lol
Im healthy again by the way. Now just need to catch up on my work.
so I've been praying to Santa...
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So added pictures to 2 folders.
Tell me what you think.
It snowed. A lot. We have another storm heading our way at the moment. I am NOT a snow fan. My birthday is in January and I'm STILL not a snow fan. Its cold.. and makes me sick.
I've been sick for 2 weeks and am falling behind in a good majority of my...
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Tell me what you think.
It snowed. A lot. We have another storm heading our way at the moment. I am NOT a snow fan. My birthday is in January and I'm STILL not a snow fan. Its cold.. and makes me sick.
I've been sick for 2 weeks and am falling behind in a good majority of my...
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Those are some wonderfully sexy pictures of you! YOu've got such a delicious voluptous body and gorgeous smile! I think the 80s rocker theme would be totally hot.
We got snow in d.c for only 2 days but it didn't stick.
I never had a chance to max out a credit card b/c i never been sent one so it sux!!!!
Also do do a 80's theme would be very very hot!!!! I love the 80's and it would tottaly fit you! I say GO FOR IT!!!!!!
I never had a chance to max out a credit card b/c i never been sent one so it sux!!!!
Also do do a 80's theme would be very very hot!!!! I love the 80's and it would tottaly fit you! I say GO FOR IT!!!!!!

So Ive been looking at recent photosets, trying to get an idea.
Does anyone have any good theme ideas for sets?
I have an odd idea to do an 80's metal kinda theme because i just won a vintage Def Leppard tshirt off of Ebay.
What do you all think?
A xmas theme would be too generic.
Does anyone have any good theme ideas for sets?
I have an odd idea to do an 80's metal kinda theme because i just won a vintage Def Leppard tshirt off of Ebay.
What do you all think?
A xmas theme would be too generic.
See, and I thought they only still listened to Def Leppard in Sweden. That's cool though.
I'm glad you're going ahead and applying to be an SG, though, and I hope you're succesful, mostly because it would be so nice to have more curvy girls on the site - as i think i said in my last journal, nothing against the girls who're becoming SG's now, but they all tend to be relatively petite and a generic shape - I'd like to see a bit more variation, especially because hey, not all girls are thin and short. hmm.
As for set ideas, your best bet is probably to ask in the Plus Sized Women group, you'll most likely get a few suggestions to get you thinking
I think Swedish winters are fairly similar to Canadian ones, my ex was from the sticks of Ontario, and I found that pretty cold, though it was a different kind of cold - crisp, it wasn'ta damp cold like it is here. And at least they had snow when I was there, which gets you all Christmassy.
I'm glad you're going ahead and applying to be an SG, though, and I hope you're succesful, mostly because it would be so nice to have more curvy girls on the site - as i think i said in my last journal, nothing against the girls who're becoming SG's now, but they all tend to be relatively petite and a generic shape - I'd like to see a bit more variation, especially because hey, not all girls are thin and short. hmm.
As for set ideas, your best bet is probably to ask in the Plus Sized Women group, you'll most likely get a few suggestions to get you thinking

I think Swedish winters are fairly similar to Canadian ones, my ex was from the sticks of Ontario, and I found that pretty cold, though it was a different kind of cold - crisp, it wasn'ta damp cold like it is here. And at least they had snow when I was there, which gets you all Christmassy.

80's metal rules! is it cold in peterborough? it's freezing in London!
So.. an update on the applying to be a SG.
I applied, received an email.. got an applicant id number, filled out a questionnaire with some more photos, got another email, now they want all the paperwork, a full profile, model name and a complete photoset done!
So doing my photoset over xmas holidays when I can get together with my friend Renee so she...
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I applied, received an email.. got an applicant id number, filled out a questionnaire with some more photos, got another email, now they want all the paperwork, a full profile, model name and a complete photoset done!
So doing my photoset over xmas holidays when I can get together with my friend Renee so she...
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Anyone who would wear something that says "Italian Stallion" must be amazingly lame...
So, for the SG app then one thing to remember is that even if you are accepted there is a huge wait to get your set on the site. Right now there are tons of girls who want to be SGs. Still, it will eventually get up there.
So, for the SG app then one thing to remember is that even if you are accepted there is a huge wait to get your set on the site. Right now there are tons of girls who want to be SGs. Still, it will eventually get up there.

havok said more or less what I was gonna say, good luck with it!
sooo. I think Im going to apply to be an SG and see what happens.
It would be nice to have actual professional photography of myself.
Digicams and webcams dont do much in a realllly small room. I try to be creative..
So .. think I have what it takes?
[edit] So I applied.. lets see how it goes.. lol [/edit]
[edit 2] So I...
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It would be nice to have actual professional photography of myself.
Digicams and webcams dont do much in a realllly small room. I try to be creative..
So .. think I have what it takes?
[edit] So I applied.. lets see how it goes.. lol [/edit]
[edit 2] So I...
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You need someone else to take the pics for you!
They look good, but they would look better if they had more of you in them!!!
They look good, but they would look better if they had more of you in them!!!

so I added a new photoset.
I really need to get someone else to take the photos of me, because I really suck at taking them myself.
Hope you all enjoy...
I really need to get someone else to take the photos of me, because I really suck at taking them myself.
Hope you all enjoy...

hmm, mine has a 10 second timer too, I just get the zoom right, turn on the timer, hit capture and run towards my spot and hope for the best.
Hey fellow Kanuck. You are are too real for words. All that scrumptious you and no camera person. Well whatever U been doing , U been doing it so right. THX for the vu of u...!!!
so I didnt go to bed until like 5:30 am nd I woke up at 8 am because Im supposed to have a meeting with one of my teachers about an essay Im writing. I emailed the teacher asking if we could do it later because Im not feeling well at all. Which is the complete truth.
I've been sitting here biddongon Ebay for any...
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I've been sitting here biddongon Ebay for any...
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Fuck, I wrote a long ass comment and because my computer is quickly turning to the Dark Side side it fucked up. Either way onto a condensed version of my previous post that never happened:
Welcome to the Site & Thanks for adding me.
I also say splurge for the full price ipod. Afterall whats a Jedi without music? Thats right, two Star Wars references...ok, I'm a nerd.
Welcome to the Site & Thanks for adding me.
I also say splurge for the full price ipod. Afterall whats a Jedi without music? Thats right, two Star Wars references...ok, I'm a nerd.
i'm useless at getting stuff on ebay. i always set out with a limit, and without fail, get outbid, then spend the rest of the time before the final sale contemplating going over my limit to try and outbid the highest bidder, and, after much procrastinating do, only to be outbid again. . . grrr!
it sucks when they don't take paypal too, it makes things so much easier.
hope you're feeling better, and got some sleep

it sucks when they don't take paypal too, it makes things so much easier.
hope you're feeling better, and got some sleep

so.. it's like almost 4 am and I havent gone to bed yet.
Ya Im weird.. and not all that tired.
Bleh I love this place already. I wish I was a SuicideGirl.. but I dont have the body for it.. *shakes fist*
So my roomies and I decorated our apartment for xmas tonight.. We have lights and 2 lil mini wannabe xmas trees now....
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Ya Im weird.. and not all that tired.

Bleh I love this place already. I wish I was a SuicideGirl.. but I dont have the body for it.. *shakes fist*
So my roomies and I decorated our apartment for xmas tonight.. We have lights and 2 lil mini wannabe xmas trees now....
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thank you very much

Yeah, I think without SG I would probably get a whole lot more sleep, heh.
Thanks for the compliment, and just to let you know that not all SGs have the body for it. Apply anyway, can't hurt to try it.
Thanks for the compliment, and just to let you know that not all SGs have the body for it. Apply anyway, can't hurt to try it.

So here's my first blog. I just got an account so this will be updated regulrly.
I love Suicide Girls and I have for awhile. The artisiticness of the photography is what gets me. Just got a visa so I have an account now.. yay go me.
So ya.. read my profile, add me as a friend, look at my pics, comment on my journals....
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I love Suicide Girls and I have for awhile. The artisiticness of the photography is what gets me. Just got a visa so I have an account now.. yay go me.
So ya.. read my profile, add me as a friend, look at my pics, comment on my journals....
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Welcome to the madness...

welcome to the site.
I see your already getting some friends
I see your already getting some friends

yea, got nothin but still sayin 'Hey' and how the shit do you have that many friends already, damn.