Long time no update.
So my birthday kinda sucked. It consisted of me, my boyfriend, and his friend playing PS2 and eating Swiss Chalet. Then his friend left around 11 and I bawled my eyes out for an hour because I felt alone and I had no friends to even care about my birthday. We didn't go the bar. Ended up just going to bed after I calmed down.
Friday... consisted of a lazy day and me being upset. Andrew and I made soup. I asked my roomies if they wanted to go to the bar and they all made up excuses to not go with me. So andrew and I sat around watching TV until my one roommate Jess came home with her bf drunk and yelled at us for not going to the bars.. so they dragged us to the bar and there we saw the rest of them that made up excuses not to go with me. Before all that I cried more because they all didn't wanna go to the bar with us. So after a night of drinking and finding out Andrew can't dance, laughing at Andrew as he pee'd in a parking garage and then coming home drunk. We went to bed. Saturday my one roomie's friend Rhea invited us to go bowling with her and then to the country bar later on.. so we went bowling. Andrew won a game...I lost everytime because I suck ass lol. Then we went to the country bar and had an alright time. Rhea and Andrew were more drunk than I was so I took care of Andrew. Had to undress him to his boxers and put him to bed lol. It was kinda fun but depressing at the same time.
Andrew went home Sunday. The end.
Recently I moved. From the off campus residence to the on campus residence. I like it here a lot better. My roommates are really nice. One of them took me to the bar the night that I got all settled in. Me and another one stayed up for 5 hours just playing Super Nintendo. It's great here.
Andrew is coming up on Valentine's Day hopefully. He showed me what he bought me for a late birthday present. Its an adorable stuffed black monkey and supposedly she is super soft and cuddly. We named her Inquisitive Georgina. For Valentine's Day I'm going to buy him the same monkey but in brown because he loves her so much and we are gunna name him Curious George. and YES I was super stoaked to see that Curious George is now a flippin movie!!! DAMN STRAIGHT! Hopefully going to see that on Valentine's Day.
Don't know what this weekend is gunna be like. I'm not feeling so hot now. DIdn't have a great sleep last night and now I have a headache and my throat and stomach were hurting earlier. I took some tylenol so that seemed to dull the pain. I have class in an hourish...which I need to go to. Stupid Math.
I'll see where the weekend takes me. Don't have much money for the bar.. even though I wanna go. I guess we'll see.
<3 Cat
So my birthday kinda sucked. It consisted of me, my boyfriend, and his friend playing PS2 and eating Swiss Chalet. Then his friend left around 11 and I bawled my eyes out for an hour because I felt alone and I had no friends to even care about my birthday. We didn't go the bar. Ended up just going to bed after I calmed down.
Friday... consisted of a lazy day and me being upset. Andrew and I made soup. I asked my roomies if they wanted to go to the bar and they all made up excuses to not go with me. So andrew and I sat around watching TV until my one roommate Jess came home with her bf drunk and yelled at us for not going to the bars.. so they dragged us to the bar and there we saw the rest of them that made up excuses not to go with me. Before all that I cried more because they all didn't wanna go to the bar with us. So after a night of drinking and finding out Andrew can't dance, laughing at Andrew as he pee'd in a parking garage and then coming home drunk. We went to bed. Saturday my one roomie's friend Rhea invited us to go bowling with her and then to the country bar later on.. so we went bowling. Andrew won a game...I lost everytime because I suck ass lol. Then we went to the country bar and had an alright time. Rhea and Andrew were more drunk than I was so I took care of Andrew. Had to undress him to his boxers and put him to bed lol. It was kinda fun but depressing at the same time.
Andrew went home Sunday. The end.
Recently I moved. From the off campus residence to the on campus residence. I like it here a lot better. My roommates are really nice. One of them took me to the bar the night that I got all settled in. Me and another one stayed up for 5 hours just playing Super Nintendo. It's great here.
Andrew is coming up on Valentine's Day hopefully. He showed me what he bought me for a late birthday present. Its an adorable stuffed black monkey and supposedly she is super soft and cuddly. We named her Inquisitive Georgina. For Valentine's Day I'm going to buy him the same monkey but in brown because he loves her so much and we are gunna name him Curious George. and YES I was super stoaked to see that Curious George is now a flippin movie!!! DAMN STRAIGHT! Hopefully going to see that on Valentine's Day.
Don't know what this weekend is gunna be like. I'm not feeling so hot now. DIdn't have a great sleep last night and now I have a headache and my throat and stomach were hurting earlier. I took some tylenol so that seemed to dull the pain. I have class in an hourish...which I need to go to. Stupid Math.
I'll see where the weekend takes me. Don't have much money for the bar.. even though I wanna go. I guess we'll see.
<3 Cat
omi im sorry ur b day sucked.....i woulda 4 sure went with u....and i know its none of my buisiness...but ur bf didnt do nething but ps2 4 u on ur bday??? thats fuckd up i think...