And that's one of my better traits! Seriously, I feel like a yo yo of disappointment. But heeey, I'm back again, for all of you who still stumble upon my blog. I wonder... random shoutout to @brickman ! You still out there? I've been missing you, my man!
Aaaaanyway... what's been up? Well, not much, to be honest. I'm still trying to figure out how to achieve this weird concept called "friendship" with the power of zero social skills and the awesome gift of emotional contradiction (as in: I want to find awesome people to hang out with, but I'm terrible uneasy when being around other people. I want to go out with friends but I don't want to go out to meet people in the first place, because I have no idea how to approach others.)
Surprisingly... it's not working out too well! Shocking, I know...
But that means I had more time to work on my nerd-cave! My girlfriend and I live in the new apartment for over a year now, so it's about time to finish up this place. But I made a thing! Yay!
I'm probably most proud of this little beauty here, because I didn't have a gaming rig for ages and I built this one aaaaall~ byyyy~ myyyy~seeeeeelf~
Not the cleanest of cable-works, but still mine! Also, I have a shiny, new, awesome clickedyclicky keyboard!
And for enhanced couchpotatoing, everything is hooked up to my TV. Where I mostly play with a controller. Because I'm a filthy casual. XD
Also, as you can see, the PC was very urgent. I'm running out of consoles to play on. *cough* (Yes, I might have a problem...)
And now a little insight into the deep and disturbing nerd-mind of mine. I collect figures. Some are still at my parents place in Vienna because transporting them isn't that easy as it seems... First of all: I have a self-censoring cabinet! The upper doors are clear glass and you see through them all the time. The lower one, with the... more... "revealing" figures, is almost black, smoked glass, only really translucent, when the lighting is turned on.
Turned off:
Turned on:
And three of four elements:
But what's inside? Well, the upper ones are filled with cute and sexy figures...
...and Macross-stuff. Because Macross is love.
The lower ones however... this is where stuff gets raunchy. (Or noooice, as I like to call it. XD )
And then there is the assorted stuff, waiting for me to figure out the best way to present them.
And even more stuff on the wall cabinet! (sidenote: I bought the Sailormoon Proplicas for my girlfriend and they are here, becausse we don't have a better place for them right now. The others are in the bedroom, together with even more figures. Did I already mention, that I might be in need of some help?)
And a little bonus-picture: my windowsill is protected by the Normandy SR2. One of the best spaceships/spacebrothels out there.