It's this time of the year again. XD

Watching cringy hosts and listening to fascinating strange (and disturbingly catchy, I might add) songs from all over Europe (and Australa, because why the fuck not) while getting wasted. After work today, that's a really nice way to end this day.

But don't let me hanging here, people... admit it. Some of you are watching ther ESC...
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This book is so awesome! A beautiful, hard cover book with a whole collection of selected super famicom titles and their respective cover art. Not only did we here in Europe got screwed over with our 50Hz systems, but also the boxes were mostly inferior to the japanese ones... not to mention all the games we didn't even get.

Also, yesterday (or the day before)
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I know that. But today it would have been just lovely to skip it. Because... this is not what you want to find on your bread.

...after eating the first two slices. T_____T


There was a little sun-shy visitor in the balcony today. The perfect opportunity the venture into the realm of macro-focus-stacking! And... it works, somewhat! To be honest, the results are far from perfect, but since I was just experimenting, I'm quite happy! I should just take more time to have finer focus-nuances. Or use the freaking tripod. Yeah, that would make things easier...

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No, really. It just looks that way. Just because I spent way too much time in the bathroom with my camera doesn't mean I am at a loose end. Maybe something caught my attention there! Something exceptional. Something full of wonder and beauty! Something like... I dunno... water, maybe... *___*

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Yesterday I watched Kong with a very good friend of mine and... well... it was better than it had any right to be! It's like a mix of a monster flick and Apocalypse Now, or something like that. Great visuals and cinematography, sweet soundtrack and way less clichéd than I expected. For a movie I had zero expectations, it was a blast.

Oh, and the...
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So, my niece asked me to draw a specific picture for here. It's been a while since I drew something, but I decided to make it more like a colouring picture for her. I think she liked it!

@saga Yeah, not the happiest of all MLP-pictures, but still the one she decided on...
It's really cute :3 I love it, though I  can't help feeling sad for that crying pony :(( :3

And that's one of my better traits! Seriously, I feel like a yo yo of disappointment. But heeey, I'm back again, for all of you who still stumble upon my blog. I wonder... random shoutout to @brickman ! You still out there? I've been missing you, my man!

Aaaaanyway... what's been up? Well, not much, to be honest. I'm still trying to figure out how...
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@brickman , my brother! Glad to have you back! Although, after reading your llast blog post I thought not hearing from you was probably a good thing because that's a sign of a good running business. Still... good to hear from you. :)  Hope you are well!    Regarding my collection... well... yeah, it's a way to get rid of money, I guess. XD But it makes me happy. I wish I hade more room for stuff. But my wallet is rather pleased...
Life is all about doing what makes us happy.   I collect movies and like to smoke cigars.   My business is still going very well.  I tell my wife it finally feels like I have a business and not a hobby.

So, when it comes to beer, I'm usually kind of picky. Regular beer is a complete no-go for me. I just don't like the taste at all! There are, however, a few exceptions.

Reallyreallyreally cold Corona, with a slice of lemon or lime.

Desperados, or Desperados verde.

Once in a while a nice pint of Guinness.

And then, the one I drink the most (...
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@medusaw Jup! There is a nice little store here in Linz called "Biertempel" and I think they even have an online-store. Not sure what you like, but the smoked porter was pretty darn good! 
@quitedark thank you :) I'll try to visit that place in spring and if you want we can grab a beer :)