(sfo/anchor steam)
roach is in la for a few days so instead of being normal and staying home alone i'm going to salinas and santa cruz 'til monday night. i don't like being alone too much. tonight i have to be, but i think it will be good for me. tomorrow after work i'm gonna hop a greyhound and escape oakland for a few days. hopefully i'll get some beach time in as well. it's a much needed getaway. annnnd i wanna play highschool musical karaoke with suzanne's kiddo. ha.
i'm in a weird place in my head right now. this time of year is interesting for me. i love autumn a lot. i'm filled to the brim with nostalgic images in my head of the different places i've lived and loved in the fall. i'm remembering fall hikes with my family and huge leaf piles. red and golden hills in tennessee and that crisp, cold air that hints of winter and awakens every cell in my body. at the same time, it brings back some shit memories and overwhelming sadness that comes in waves. not that i want my life to change or to go back, i'm happier than i have been in at least 6 years. it's amazing. that being said i can't help my eye catching the date on the calendar here and there and it smarting a bit.
i'm suuuper excited for fall to turn into winter, however. i am over the moon excited to go home for christmas. lordy, have i been homesick this fall! i wish i could go for a month. i want lots of snow. i want to feel like i used to at night when it's dangerously cold and equally as still and quiet outside. in those moments i would feel so connected with everything. the moon, the darkness, the energy. i want to see the stars and snow bounce off eachother and slip on ice and drink beer with my boys. i miss having bright red cheeks and having to kick snow off my boots when i get in a car or shake it off before i get into the house. all these little things you never think you will miss... i miss. so i think it will serve me very well to get home for a bit. see my amazing family and friends and emotionally recharge for another year away.
what's your favourite thing about fall?
OH! and please go check out and comment my set in member review, domesticated.
shot by the talented mr.sean

Who's this Suzanne person, LOL
you have the cutest smile