sunday is my favourite day of the week. it is almost always spend with my beloved friend gretchen at la estrellita in oakland. we sit outside and devour pitchers of margaritas and bask in the sunlight and talk all day. it really is one of my favourite things to do. i look forward to it weekly!

this weekend we decided to go to the flea market behind laney college before doing margaritas and oh my god was it awesome. while recovering from the show at merchant's the night before we wandered around for about an hour or so and i found some pretty jammin' things. i kinda want to add the flea market every week! see... i can commit to some things.

that, and i finally found sunglasses i like and am going to try not to lose or break.
i also found a wooden jewelry box with a peacock on it and had to get it. we love peacocks in our house... how can you say no?!
it was nice to hang out with all girls yesterday. roachy roach had an abortion of a saturday night and my friend leila is in the shit too so it was nice to band them together and get some much needed girl time.
to back track, saturday was awesome for awhile. adam_vincent came to hang in the beast and we went to merchant's for a show. it was suuuper fun for awhile. i ended up having to consol a friend in tears, drive my drunk friends car home and kick a dude outta my house. on the upside, i love hangin' with my friend adam and my friend logan was around and he is always a good time.
i can feel myself getting kinda sick again so after party time on tuesday i'm layin' low and resting.
today when i get off work i'm going to meet miss.roach for lunch and yoga and maybe a movie! yes! how better a way to foget a loser boy then to have your insane best friend plan out your days off!?
annnyway, here is the view from my margarita sunday.

cross your fingers i'm not getting sick again, because it sure feels like it! i need some tea and a nap. i'd stop the party!party!party! but it's summer and i already got ripped off for like 3 weeks of it being sick as fuck.
september i'll chill out and stay in more..... i promise.

this weekend we decided to go to the flea market behind laney college before doing margaritas and oh my god was it awesome. while recovering from the show at merchant's the night before we wandered around for about an hour or so and i found some pretty jammin' things. i kinda want to add the flea market every week! see... i can commit to some things.

that, and i finally found sunglasses i like and am going to try not to lose or break.
i also found a wooden jewelry box with a peacock on it and had to get it. we love peacocks in our house... how can you say no?!
it was nice to hang out with all girls yesterday. roachy roach had an abortion of a saturday night and my friend leila is in the shit too so it was nice to band them together and get some much needed girl time.
to back track, saturday was awesome for awhile. adam_vincent came to hang in the beast and we went to merchant's for a show. it was suuuper fun for awhile. i ended up having to consol a friend in tears, drive my drunk friends car home and kick a dude outta my house. on the upside, i love hangin' with my friend adam and my friend logan was around and he is always a good time.
i can feel myself getting kinda sick again so after party time on tuesday i'm layin' low and resting.
today when i get off work i'm going to meet miss.roach for lunch and yoga and maybe a movie! yes! how better a way to foget a loser boy then to have your insane best friend plan out your days off!?
annnyway, here is the view from my margarita sunday.

cross your fingers i'm not getting sick again, because it sure feels like it! i need some tea and a nap. i'd stop the party!party!party! but it's summer and i already got ripped off for like 3 weeks of it being sick as fuck.
september i'll chill out and stay in more..... i promise.
So much better than the pissing rain here in Ireland! mmm Margarita's are delicious!

your hair is adorable in green =] you look like a woodland creature. flea market commitments have got to be the best commitments. i have a similar saturday ritual with my best friend. we've decided to do absolutely nothing on the "sabbath" and nurse each other's hangovers with pbr and reality tv. much lamer. but along the same train.