consoling bentley due to the lack of bacon in his life.

keeping it classy in oakland.

party! party! party! with my portland buddy justin. you may remember him from last septemeber/october blogs as he lived with roachy roach and i for a bit.

princess slutty shirt is too white for direct sunlight.
life has been ruling pretty hard lately. thank god. josh lost it on me so i have baleeted his leotarded ass from my life. so. over. it. god, that kid sucked the life out of me. i pinky swore my boss (who is cool as fuck) that i'd never hang out with him again. what an asshole. if i told you what happened, well... you'd want to break his other leg.
i also had another friend accuse me of being shitty and i reallllllly don't think i am but whatever. i am what i am and i think i'm pretty fucking nice, actually.
i've been hanging out with pretty girls and cute boys and amazing friends! running wild in the streets, tipping barteneders with weed, having sleepovers and such. kinda, maybe, totally loving it. i've also decided to make some healthy choices for my body since i'm making healthy choices for my mind and heart. i've gone back to a strict vegan diet! i'm also going back to yoga starting tomorrow afternoon and am very, very excited about it!
other things i have to be excited about ...
-a possible nicolletta sighting and loving in september
-hanging out with an old friend who i haven't seen in over a year! hopefully a lot more.
-roach's love life
-free switchblade riot show tonight at soundwave
-saturday night one in the chamber show at merchants
-sunday funday hang out with adam_vincent!!!
-la trip with roach in september to meet and party with some awesome girls and shoot for sg
-future dates with mika
my mom always tells me to write a list of things i'm greatful for when i'm bummed out. on tuesday i couldn't shake the nima (blues/bad mood) and i called her and she reminded me of how easy the list is to make and what an influence it has on your attitude. i suggest you try it if you're bummed.
YES! You are going to LA in Sept for the pool party? This rules.
my mom always gets me to do that too. it helps, often