i feel off today. like i need a nap or for it to just be tomorrow already. we used to call it being 'nima' when i was little. getting the blues and being crabby. i think i'm drinking too much coffee and crashing or something. hopefully sushi with my parents and julio will make me feel better. i have a zillion things to be happy about. so maybe i should take a second when i get off work to write all those things down on a scrap piece of paper and focus on them a bit. it is much too beautiful a life to feel this low. a lot has happened in the past couple months and i've tried really hard to be positive. i've got a lot going on in my head. not sure what i'm doing with some situations right now... i think i just need to step back, breathe and remember that i'm human and it's normal to be sad sometimes.

i need to shoot a new set. asap.

i need to shoot a new set. asap.
Yeah, we have no AC. The heat makes me a total jerk.
that sounds like a great idea! I need someone to keep my lazy ass motivated. I am always so gung ho for the first week or two and then the couch, a bottle of wine and office reruns seem to call my name so much louder than the gym.