omg! my new plugs came yesterday from blackheart organics!!!
funny story. when i was dating josh he was telling me about this guy who was going to make him super beautiful plugs for pretty f-ing cheap. so i lurked the myspace a bit and even emailed him about wood and realized 'holy bananas i know this guys!' turns out they brilliant mind behind blackheart organics is my bff anika's good good good friend billi! so i was totally stoked and placed an order shortly after deciding to stretch from 1 1/4 to 1 1/2. the tulip wood plugs in the photo above are 1 3/8. they are kinda my break from stretching earrings i'll be wearing the rest of the summer 'til i'm ready to start stretching again. since i have some dark wood earrings my ex gave me and 2 new pairs of blood wood and bamboo that billi made me. they are so fucking beautiful! i'm pretty stoked to shoot some new sets with his work in mah big 'ol ears!
also he has crazy sales on right now, like sooo cheap it's bonkers. so check 'em out

as for real life... jake went out on tour with hightower right now. if you live in any of these places you ought to check 'em out. it's fun. promise.
saturday the 18th @ the central in seattle
thursday the 23rd in kamloops bc
saturday the 25th @ the cobalt in vancouver
so i'm a little bored now that he is gone since we have been hangin' out tons lately. i'm still a very busy bee tho. i made dinner the other day for a bunch of friends at my friend heather's house and then went over the this piano bar for my friend mario's birthday. which was really fun 'til the girl he's beeh hangin' with kinda flipped a little on me for some reason. first of all i didn't know they had been haging out. mario and i are kinda flirty sometimes. it's like part of our friendship or something. whatever. so i'm hanging out drinking my anchor steam makin' friends and chatting everyones ears off. we were all having a really good time! she then started throwing herself at him. like fucking embarassing mauling him and saying 'i reallllly like you' loud and weird. and naturally i was like 'ha ok this girl is a little off but whatev' and kinda out of nowhere she flips and says i have been mean to her all night and leaves. WTF, MATE?
so everyone is nice and tells me i didn't do anything and bla bla bla. even mario. super apologetic and nice. then yesterday he tells me i'm a fucking bully and that the girl is not hanging out with him anymore.
i'm actually pretty upset about this. i have been really trying to be nice to people. really going out of my way to make new friends and have fun and even tho i had to get up at 7am still went out to my friend's stupid birthday thing. and i'm really frustrated because i really was just being nice. i hate that some basket case stupid girl is insecure with her dude's fucking friendships and now i'm the one feeling like i did something wrong. i feel like i've been on a happy kick for like 6 weeks and right now i kinda feel like i might cry. i don't like this feeling. i'm over being sad.
also note that i found out josh cheated on me... surprise. and i'm still being nice to him since his world is all shit now. broke his leg and has to have surgery, didn't have a place to live 'til last week and is all depressed and shit. so i'm trying to be a supportive friend. but i'm still kinda hurting. i was so bummed yesterday that when roach got home from work i just hugged her and sobbed. woah. he doesn't know i know but 2 people told me, so yeah. it's weird finding out after the fact. it makes me kinda feel like i'm gonna barf actually. i don't know what to do with the information. i'm goin' to hang out with him today so he can change the jewelry in my tragus and i don't know if this is a fight i want to have today.
my ego=bruised like an old banana
ugh. i just want to shake it off.
in really happy amazing news my mom and dad are visiting in so soon! and they are bringing ketchup chips. and even more amazing than all that is that jake is bringing ketchup chips back from canada too.
how excited am i!!!!
sorry to vent sg. give me some advice. or not. because i know that everyone will tell me to stop being freinds with my deadbeat ex.
oh life, you are oh so interesting.
Unrelatedly: I'm fascinated by ketchup chips. Are they as delicious as they sound? Because they sound . . . YES.