i have a brutal summer cold.
boy, i really hates it!
this week has been fun in spite of my stupid cold. tuesday i went to see hightower with roach, adria and zaksmith. i am super excited they are here. i see them about once a year and i love every second of it! zak and i maybe got a little rowdy at the show. it happens.
i'd like to let you all know about roach's near death experience that night. which i had completely forgotten about until i got home last night and she reminded me. now some of the facts are foggy. i don't remember why she in the position she was in to almost die. all i remember is that we were standing behind hightower's van with my friend jake and she was bent over with her head towards me... this indicates her possibly trying to annoy me. she seems nice, but she attempts to drive me crazy constantly. touching me, making annoying noises, doing things extra slow, these kinds of things. anyway, like i said i don't know for sure why she was bent over like that but i LIGHTLY pushed her head. and she will totally say it was light and not aggressive. more like 'ehhh get away from me creep' as oppose to 'FUCK OFF'. so i push her head and she starts to fall backwards and almost in slow motion i watch her topple backwards into traffic. lucky for her jake ran over and saved her from getting hit by a cab. NOW, before you think i'm some monster let's review. she was bent over one way and somehow managed to fall over in the complete other direction and like 15 feet back (i'm cracking up writing this btw) like had to almost stand up and then start falling over. yes, i am happy jake saved her life, but i am kinda stumped on how she manged to lose her balance so unbelievably bad. i'm usually the clumsy one.
anyway we spent the night in the city and i spent the day hanging out with my friend laying around sick listening to records then eating yummy veggie food and the running around the city and going on little nature adventures. i fucking loved it!!!
later i met up with zaksmith and adria to go to berkeley for zak's book reading/signing for 'we did porn'. let me tell you freinds, it was fucking amazing. just from the few parts i heard zak read last night i am SO impressed and excited to read the whole thing.
(then we ate some greasy pizza shhhhhhhh!)
i went home tired and happy and not looking forward to work today. i could feel myself getting sicker and sicker on the bus ride home. it sucked. and whats even suckier is that i woke up this morning feeling like i was going to die. my throat hurts, i have no voice, my cough is gross and i'm pretty weak. so i didn't ride my bike. f that noise. i tried gettin' pretty but i think i maybe failed... oh well. after work i'm going to head to the city again for his other reading at city lights! i'm probably going to make it an early night due to the sickness and work in the morning but at least i'm lucky enough to be able to make it out a bit. or a lot. whatever.
i'm pretty excited right now. just in general. all the time. beaming from ear to ear and loving the warm feelings inside. fuck! i sound like such a hippie. i don't care because i'm the happiest i've been in years.
SO, if you're in sf tonight you should come hang out at city lights for the reading. i'll be there, sick but happy.

boy, i really hates it!
this week has been fun in spite of my stupid cold. tuesday i went to see hightower with roach, adria and zaksmith. i am super excited they are here. i see them about once a year and i love every second of it! zak and i maybe got a little rowdy at the show. it happens.
i'd like to let you all know about roach's near death experience that night. which i had completely forgotten about until i got home last night and she reminded me. now some of the facts are foggy. i don't remember why she in the position she was in to almost die. all i remember is that we were standing behind hightower's van with my friend jake and she was bent over with her head towards me... this indicates her possibly trying to annoy me. she seems nice, but she attempts to drive me crazy constantly. touching me, making annoying noises, doing things extra slow, these kinds of things. anyway, like i said i don't know for sure why she was bent over like that but i LIGHTLY pushed her head. and she will totally say it was light and not aggressive. more like 'ehhh get away from me creep' as oppose to 'FUCK OFF'. so i push her head and she starts to fall backwards and almost in slow motion i watch her topple backwards into traffic. lucky for her jake ran over and saved her from getting hit by a cab. NOW, before you think i'm some monster let's review. she was bent over one way and somehow managed to fall over in the complete other direction and like 15 feet back (i'm cracking up writing this btw) like had to almost stand up and then start falling over. yes, i am happy jake saved her life, but i am kinda stumped on how she manged to lose her balance so unbelievably bad. i'm usually the clumsy one.
anyway we spent the night in the city and i spent the day hanging out with my friend laying around sick listening to records then eating yummy veggie food and the running around the city and going on little nature adventures. i fucking loved it!!!
later i met up with zaksmith and adria to go to berkeley for zak's book reading/signing for 'we did porn'. let me tell you freinds, it was fucking amazing. just from the few parts i heard zak read last night i am SO impressed and excited to read the whole thing.
(then we ate some greasy pizza shhhhhhhh!)
i went home tired and happy and not looking forward to work today. i could feel myself getting sicker and sicker on the bus ride home. it sucked. and whats even suckier is that i woke up this morning feeling like i was going to die. my throat hurts, i have no voice, my cough is gross and i'm pretty weak. so i didn't ride my bike. f that noise. i tried gettin' pretty but i think i maybe failed... oh well. after work i'm going to head to the city again for his other reading at city lights! i'm probably going to make it an early night due to the sickness and work in the morning but at least i'm lucky enough to be able to make it out a bit. or a lot. whatever.
i'm pretty excited right now. just in general. all the time. beaming from ear to ear and loving the warm feelings inside. fuck! i sound like such a hippie. i don't care because i'm the happiest i've been in years.
SO, if you're in sf tonight you should come hang out at city lights for the reading. i'll be there, sick but happy.
Umm so my cold is actually a sinus and respiratory system infection. I hope yours is just a cold. Plus I have an eye infection now too. Watch out!!
Being ill suuuucks! get well soon. You have a cute face and i like your boobs