danced to the slackers on thursday night(and looked pretty hot for a recently broken hearted baby btw) stayed out with vic and roach and some others on a mad hunt for mexican food at 3:33am. once found, we were the last people they let get food. roach didn't like her food so much so she tired to give her leftovers to a bum sleeping on a bench. here is where it gets amazing... the dude wearing no shoes and only wearing shorts and a dirty blanket calls her a creep and tells her to get away from him. although i have been really sad the last few days, thinking about a hobo telling my sweet loving best friend she is creepy and to get the fuck away from him for being nice makes me fucking die laughing. he later came up to us (as we were eating on the sidewalk on mission) and got mad at her for either stealing or stepping on his cigarettes. he was a little difficult to understand. hahaha. watching a bum harass your bff is amazing.
i slept 'til 5pm yesterday but i got up today so i think that means i'm going in the right direction. sadly the last two nights i've been drinking. not hammered drunk, more like 'keep me from crying in public edge taker offer' drinks. which is still not good. i can feel myself falling into the old routine. so back to sobriety. sprite at bars and actually dealing with life instead of diluting everything.
last night miss roach and i went to lil_tuffy's poster show for first friday in okland and had fun. we then crossed the street to the uptown which was full of a buuunch of weirdos and the vibe was all off so we went back to misfit island to watch movies in bed. i'm pretty sure i was out within the first few minutes. i'm trying to keep busy and live life this time instead of nesting in my house like i did last break up. so if you're around and up for an advenutre message me.
today we might go to something that requires physical activity. walking up buena vista or around north beach to my fave little record shop.
send me your happy positive energy, i kinda need it.
thanks for all the support. i feel like my life is very much an open book here... and it is always well recieved. if i didn't have an sg journal to write in i'd be goin' broke with the therapy bills.

i slept 'til 5pm yesterday but i got up today so i think that means i'm going in the right direction. sadly the last two nights i've been drinking. not hammered drunk, more like 'keep me from crying in public edge taker offer' drinks. which is still not good. i can feel myself falling into the old routine. so back to sobriety. sprite at bars and actually dealing with life instead of diluting everything.
last night miss roach and i went to lil_tuffy's poster show for first friday in okland and had fun. we then crossed the street to the uptown which was full of a buuunch of weirdos and the vibe was all off so we went back to misfit island to watch movies in bed. i'm pretty sure i was out within the first few minutes. i'm trying to keep busy and live life this time instead of nesting in my house like i did last break up. so if you're around and up for an advenutre message me.
today we might go to something that requires physical activity. walking up buena vista or around north beach to my fave little record shop.
send me your happy positive energy, i kinda need it.
thanks for all the support. i feel like my life is very much an open book here... and it is always well recieved. if i didn't have an sg journal to write in i'd be goin' broke with the therapy bills.

majority of the homeless people are skitzophranic so they really don't know what is going on in reality and get these paranoid delusions of people... so you can't really expect to understand them most of the time.
*sends positive energy over the Atlantic!*