MEGATRON MURDERFACE is the winner! rufio lost by ONE vote and walter was a close third.
i didn't ride my bike to work today because it is a little rainy and i'm over being soaking wet in may.
example A

don't get me wrong, i love the rain. but last week i thought it would be a good idea to walk from bart instead of taking the bus and got caught in a downpour. i made the best of it but skipping and splashing in puddles(btw i'm 5) oh, and my friend mich left roach and i his car for the week while he is in vegas with my boyfriend. ha! win! but his car is gnar on the inside so when i get paid tomorrow i'm going to go get it detailed at the weird little asian place where, by the way, they also give "happy international haircut for man and woman"
hmmm what else is flashy and exciting... this week is actually a quiet one. the visit from my 'friend' from florida didn't go as expexted. well, actually, it did but i was hoping that i was just being dramatic and expecting the worst but it turns out that i should probably trust my intuition a little more and stop letting emotional vampires into my life. ugh. enough of that though, i have had so many amazing visitors that i'm not going to let one visit fuck me up. live and learn i suppose. maybe this time it will stick.
i'm not in a great mood today, which is balls. i woke up with a migrane and i had to cover my eyes for like an hour before the sun stopped hurting me and i could get out of bed. i just feel blah. i hate it because for awhile there i had been feeling so magical and clear and happy. i'm a little frustrated with some feelings i'm having and i can't differentiate between wether i'm overly sensitive and super crazy and needy or if my feelings are totally justified. i've been a little down on myself lately at the hands of someone else and i'm feeling a little bummed. i hate it. i know we all have blah days and i just would like this one to be over and to have a happy tomorrow. sorry i'm such a bummer.oh! but i just remembered i have a blueberry odwalla smoothing drink in the fridge here at work so thats good. hah.
i finally got my ears up to 1 1/4in after what seems like months and months of stretching. i love having my ears this big. i'm gonna stay at this size for awhile because i blew out my right ear pretty bad. eventually i'd like to get to 1 1/2in because joshy has these super sick wood plugs i want. i want 'em bad.

alright i'm just sappy and a crybaby dumptruck today so i'm gonna leave you with some adorable furry family member photos to make up for my annoying complaining.

the glorious and regal mr. b

naptime with icky(aka fatty ding dong/icky the hut)

sir bentley of crumpette shacklebottoms and the jetts ichabod buttcakes super mexican crane
p.s. i'm 9 days sober...
i didn't ride my bike to work today because it is a little rainy and i'm over being soaking wet in may.
example A

don't get me wrong, i love the rain. but last week i thought it would be a good idea to walk from bart instead of taking the bus and got caught in a downpour. i made the best of it but skipping and splashing in puddles(btw i'm 5) oh, and my friend mich left roach and i his car for the week while he is in vegas with my boyfriend. ha! win! but his car is gnar on the inside so when i get paid tomorrow i'm going to go get it detailed at the weird little asian place where, by the way, they also give "happy international haircut for man and woman"

hmmm what else is flashy and exciting... this week is actually a quiet one. the visit from my 'friend' from florida didn't go as expexted. well, actually, it did but i was hoping that i was just being dramatic and expecting the worst but it turns out that i should probably trust my intuition a little more and stop letting emotional vampires into my life. ugh. enough of that though, i have had so many amazing visitors that i'm not going to let one visit fuck me up. live and learn i suppose. maybe this time it will stick.
i'm not in a great mood today, which is balls. i woke up with a migrane and i had to cover my eyes for like an hour before the sun stopped hurting me and i could get out of bed. i just feel blah. i hate it because for awhile there i had been feeling so magical and clear and happy. i'm a little frustrated with some feelings i'm having and i can't differentiate between wether i'm overly sensitive and super crazy and needy or if my feelings are totally justified. i've been a little down on myself lately at the hands of someone else and i'm feeling a little bummed. i hate it. i know we all have blah days and i just would like this one to be over and to have a happy tomorrow. sorry i'm such a bummer.oh! but i just remembered i have a blueberry odwalla smoothing drink in the fridge here at work so thats good. hah.
i finally got my ears up to 1 1/4in after what seems like months and months of stretching. i love having my ears this big. i'm gonna stay at this size for awhile because i blew out my right ear pretty bad. eventually i'd like to get to 1 1/2in because joshy has these super sick wood plugs i want. i want 'em bad.

alright i'm just sappy and a crybaby dumptruck today so i'm gonna leave you with some adorable furry family member photos to make up for my annoying complaining.

the glorious and regal mr. b

naptime with icky(aka fatty ding dong/icky the hut)

sir bentley of crumpette shacklebottoms and the jetts ichabod buttcakes super mexican crane
p.s. i'm 9 days sober...
and when will we be drunk now that im legal??
and also.. im sad rufio did not win but will settle for megatron mudrferface because it reminds me of this