it was hard to get out of bed today. i feel so f-ing lethargic now that i'm not working at the restaurant and i'm at a desk everyday. even tho i walk from bart to work it's still not enough. i need a bike. BADLY! i want to go on bike adventures and ride to bart instead of the stupid bus. i'm so bummed on the economy. my club is slow and so hours were cut which is a bummer but hopefully things will pick up. i have to pay for a new greencard since mine was jacked when i was robbed in the fall. bummer. i really have put it off for long enough. the stamp on my passport expires in april so i have to handle that quick. ugh. ok and my stomach hurts. i'm done complaining. aside from money worries everything is golden.
i think this picture means people like me, and i'm a jerk. or they are hungry... thats probably it.
i think this picture means people like me, and i'm a jerk. or they are hungry... thats probably it.
youre giant mophead was the first thing i saw in this photo... and then the ever so offensive josh
that fridge decor looks fun-tastic