i don't know what it is. the pep in my step makes my smile bigger with each block i walk. i pay attention to birds singing, i sleep sound at night and i wake up looking forward to my day as oppose to wishing i could go back to sleep. i lied, i have an idea as to what might be helping me in the happiness dept. i know i ramble on about it but after the year i had it is so fucking refreshing to be happy all the time. my bestfriend can read my mind and knows how i work better then anyone on the planet, my boyfriend is the most genuine beautiful boy i've ever known, my cat and dog are inlove and i get to talk to my dad on the phone almost everyday. my divorce will be final april 10th, i have lots of travellers coming this way all spring and my job f-ing rules. i fell like i should shut up before i jinx my good luck so heres a blurry crap photo of my new medusa piercing josh did! ooo! and you can kinda dig the blue hair. brown=boring...blue=magic!!!

You will prob notice how much that radiates and once you are in this stage, eveything seems to get smooth.