today is our one year anniversary!!! roach has lived on misfit island (formerly awesometown) for a whole year. so rad. lots of other things are new... roach and i have a cute roommate, his name is josh and he sings and dances for us and reaches stuff i can't. he also is the bentley's best friend. he pierces at galaxxy in berkeley and does some pretty awesome work (just so you know). my divorce will be final april 10th. i've gone vegan and looooooove it. i dunno what else. i'm at work right now about to go celebrate my friend gretchen's birthday. it smells like fall and i love it. ok sg i still <3 you!
You are wonderful Quinne, I've always thought so and now that I've joined SG again, I can be one of the many that tells you.
Where have u gone Quinne...
Missin your beauty so much on SG.