Padding around the house alone after watching Misery. Ugh, creepy as hell.
Visited my grandmother, who, in her more lucid moments, made me laugh hysterically. She's incredibly sharp. In her younger days, she was a big union activist. I wish I could be more like her sometimes. Neither my mother nor I are as quick as she is.
Just found out my school is trying to rent the new black box for a one-acts festival. Whee!
Visited my grandmother, who, in her more lucid moments, made me laugh hysterically. She's incredibly sharp. In her younger days, she was a big union activist. I wish I could be more like her sometimes. Neither my mother nor I are as quick as she is.
Just found out my school is trying to rent the new black box for a one-acts festival. Whee!
Do you study theatre or drama? The only blackbox I'm aware of is an X11 window manager with a small memory footprint.
Happy Monday!