Movies, movies, movies! Constant and unending movie-watching.
Earlier in the wek, some friends and I got together to watch Gary Oldman movies because he is brilliant like the sun is brilliant. We watched The Professional, which was too sweet for words. Lots of violence, cuddliness, and a very twitchy Oldman. Then, Dracula--the crappy new version. Complete drek, so we played a little game in which we had to spot Keanu Reeves's worst line reading. ("I have...SEEN terrible..THINGS beFORE.")
With other people, saw Edward Scissorhands finally.
Also, Onegin--the film adaptation of some Russian novel. This drives me crazy: everyone in it had these British dialects, even though they were supposed to be in Russia. This happens all the time--look at all the Dutch folk in Girl With A Pearl Earring . British has become the standard accent for all Europeans on film.
Anyway, Onegin was the magical movie with no plot, no dialogue, and nothing going for it.
Paris Was A Woman: a wonderful documentary about women in 1920s Paris. Gertrude Stein, Djuna Barnes, Adrienne Monier, etc. I didn't realize that James Joyce was such a rat bastard.
Also: 9/11 (everyone has to see it!), Napoleon Dynamite, Spiderman 2 (actually not bad)
Earlier in the wek, some friends and I got together to watch Gary Oldman movies because he is brilliant like the sun is brilliant. We watched The Professional, which was too sweet for words. Lots of violence, cuddliness, and a very twitchy Oldman. Then, Dracula--the crappy new version. Complete drek, so we played a little game in which we had to spot Keanu Reeves's worst line reading. ("I have...SEEN terrible..THINGS beFORE.")
With other people, saw Edward Scissorhands finally.
Also, Onegin--the film adaptation of some Russian novel. This drives me crazy: everyone in it had these British dialects, even though they were supposed to be in Russia. This happens all the time--look at all the Dutch folk in Girl With A Pearl Earring . British has become the standard accent for all Europeans on film.
Anyway, Onegin was the magical movie with no plot, no dialogue, and nothing going for it.
Paris Was A Woman: a wonderful documentary about women in 1920s Paris. Gertrude Stein, Djuna Barnes, Adrienne Monier, etc. I didn't realize that James Joyce was such a rat bastard.
Also: 9/11 (everyone has to see it!), Napoleon Dynamite, Spiderman 2 (actually not bad)
If people are supposed to be in another language but just... aren't... then they should forget the accents and just speak the lines well.