Greatest Movie Ever:
Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter.
Premise: evil vampires are attacking all the lesbians, so the church has to bring back Jesus to kick thier asses. There is a lot of leather and kung foo and terrible, terrible dubbing. Also, it is a musical.
Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter.
Premise: evil vampires are attacking all the lesbians, so the church has to bring back Jesus to kick thier asses. There is a lot of leather and kung foo and terrible, terrible dubbing. Also, it is a musical.
Theatre that I do?? That's tough. I think the theatre I really WANT to do is based on ideas of revolution and questioning the status quo. I think that the nature of the art that is live and in real time is a bit more urgent and creates a reaction that seeing something on a screen does not. For example, if you've ever seen a live performance of "Suburbia" by Eric Bogosian and then seen the movie, the difference is amazing. When it's live, it's in your face and raw and gritty, but on the big screen, it just seems like some whiny kids.
ANYWAY, the theatre that I usually end up doing has something to do with the nature of reality. I'm always drawn to those. Kind of like exploring the difference between what we want and what we actually do. The nature of dreams, and this sort of thing. Playing with time, spacial relations and things of this sort. The only play I've ever written had to do with two couples in a laudramat and the physical manifestations of their wants and desires doing a movement based play-by-play of what they were truly thinking and feeling. So that's that.
Oh- and I see you've been talking to Johnny. He has my dream job.
How's 'bout you? What are you drawn to? I know physical theatre, but anything more specific??
And I am jealous! I want to see that movie so bad....