wow. so its been a while. im suposed to be doing homework but i just cant concentrate on that shit right now, way to tired to make sense in my head
. just got back from seeing north country with my girlfriend and man was that a hard movie to watch. i justed wanted to jump in there and beat the shit out of some...
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thinking and feeling. to sad to compute, to overwhelmed to feel. just want to cry to sleep..............bad nights are bad for your health............
happy fuckin holloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope u all had fun. i just went to the bar and hung out with my old friend. wish i would have gotten more homework done! im kinda behind, but not that bad. went and say my best friends band play on friday night at a high school party, man was that wierd! brought me back. also made me feel old. fuck...
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AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! just found out that i got a B on my chem. test! that sucks! why is it that every time your sure that you did good on a test is the time that you fucking sucked and when your sure you bombed it you get an A???!!! from now on im gonna always think i did bad so hopefully i get a better grade...
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hey. posting pics is really easy. download infranview from and then open your pics up with that program, and change the size to like the 640x480 pixels. and then you can post away on here! that's how i do it, and it makes it really easy. you sould to it!
sorry bout the chem test. yeah, next time just don't get your hopes up as much. if you have fewer expectations, it hurts less to be let down! (or that's how i see it) i work at jukebox joe's on plainfield. it's in the cheshire district, next to sweetland candies. it's an awesome place to work, and the food is great. and we just updated our menu with new items! also, i go to grand valley, but my bf goes to CC. anyway, i gotta shower & head off to class. cya!!!

thank you, honey.

so my girlfriend text me last night after she got out of work ( at 1:45 in the morning) saying that an old friend showed up and she was gonna hang out for a while. didnt get home till late. the next morning we were talking and she mentioned that she just was hanging with him at his hotel room. that all fine n shit,...
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it would. definately.
and i'm totally here for you anytime you want to talk.
and i'm totally here for you anytime you want to talk.

hmmmmm... yeah i think it would. but, i've finally come to terms with my boyfriend being friends with his "ex." i met her, and saw them together, and i trust him, so it's cool. so, get to know her more (how long have you been together?) and you'll know if she can be trusted or not.
thanks for adding me! i'm happy to hear that you eat/ate string cheese the "correct" way. I would have replied much sooner, but I haven't (for some odd reason) signed onto this site lately. but here i am. and the concert you were referring to? was it the against me one? if so, it was incredible. i tend to write more on myspace & livejournal than on here, so you should check out my blogs there. let me know if you want the links.
welcome to SG! talk to you soon!!!
[Edited on Oct 25, 2005 10:56PM]
thanks for adding me! i'm happy to hear that you eat/ate string cheese the "correct" way. I would have replied much sooner, but I haven't (for some odd reason) signed onto this site lately. but here i am. and the concert you were referring to? was it the against me one? if so, it was incredible. i tend to write more on myspace & livejournal than on here, so you should check out my blogs there. let me know if you want the links.
welcome to SG! talk to you soon!!!
[Edited on Oct 25, 2005 10:56PM]
so ive swiched my hours around at work and im alot less stressed. accually got to see domino the other day, keira is so fuckin sexy in that movie
!!! anyways, isnt it strange that when your just about ready to give up shit starts to straighten back out. i wish i could just stay like that for at least a month. one could only...
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1st one. dont know anyone here but i guess that doesnt matter. felling kinda shity cause my girl is away back home for a few days and she went out with her ex to the bar. that sucks. i know shed be pissed at me if i did that. they say its all about trust but you never know competely untill you know. and knowing...
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