Crab people crab people crab people!
Or how life got weird Friday and is only now slowly skidding to a stop.
I was released from work Thursday after a blissfully back-to-normal forty hour week. Came home, got ready for my weekend, and crashed into bed. My job's simple yet exhausting.I can't do much after a week of it but sleep.
Awoke Friday for a flurry of shower, pack, clean before my boyfriend ohmygodsquad picked me up for the weekly jaunt to his place. Really, I gotta learn to drive so I can leave exactly on my (strange) schedule. It would be loads simpler. Ah well. Soon! Made a quick dash to pick up my paycheck and new contacts before heading out. Despite having lived here off and on since I was 15, I still get lost in our tiny old downtown. One way streets confuse the hell out of me. I also got thrown when we scrrrrrrapped the bottom of his car in a poorly designed parking lot. There was loud, there was jerking, there was "Were we just rear-ended?!" and a girl gets rattled. Managed to find my eye doctor and then get the hell out of Dodge.
After a short nap (told you, I sleep a lot when I can,) the daring photographer/boyfriend abandoned me to shoot a high school football championship. Also known as doing his homework. Pfft.
I puttered around the Internets and plowed right through the second Percy jackson book. Quick reads, but I love 'em. When he got back, hours and hours later, I dragged his happy ass to the mall. On a Friday before Christmas. Gaspshockhorror! Had to be done. I had a Radio Shack! After a year+ of onging and lusting, I finally got myself an iPhone 4. Hup hup huzzah! I am totally in love with this damn thing. It's a gadget girl's wet dream! as someone attached to her laptop whenever possible, a tiny portable computer is the Best Thing Ever. I love this thing more than I ever loved my ex-husband. Not that that's difficult to achieve. Need a better comparison. Love it more than fried okra!
Friday finished with a Walmart trip (shudder) for ingredients, then back to the apartment. Time for cooking! Y'see, as a certified Country Girl, we have an abundance of chickens, and thus eggs, at my home. So I made a tasty, tasty quiche filled with rich farm eggs, ham, spinach, and to die for hickory smoked swiss/cheddar. Oh looooord. Heaven in a heart-clogging box.
That doubled as breakfast number one Saturday. Friends slacked off and didn't invite us to food until after we ate! We still managed to drag ourselves to Brenolyn's and I just had to force some hashbrown casserole down my throat. Oh, the torture. Also attempting to unseat a buddy as Mayor of the place on foursquare. Lofty goals!
All that tasty food got worked off, fear not. A horde of seven descended upon Lost River Cave's trails and we explored this thing called Nature. And by that I mean pretended we were butterflies, threw around hedge apples (or monkey brains, as we dubbed them,) and maybe had my nose glued to my new phone. Hey, I HAD to check in! It was good times, with many new pictures in the phone. Love my friends so damn much.
All this exercise meant we needed more food. Of course. The group split for an orgy of cooking with copious smoke breaks. Choose your smokable.
Our camp did Indian. The boy handled chicken vindaloo while I made my very first pakoras. Holy shit, deep-frying is noisy. I had to grow some balls just to chuck the fritters in there. My bravery was rewarded with delicious vegetables all battered and crispy. Om nom. Back to the friends' apartment to combine food forces! They'd made some splendid chili and cornbread, so good eats were had by all.
Out came the hookah and vodka! Lots of smoke and way too much drink later (whipped cream vodka and orange juice tastes just like a creamsicle, and that's dangerous as hell) we played silly games involving tape on the foreheads. There was a brief dark period when I almost got face-Sharpied, but we made it through. Then I got to be the bait on Chat Roulette, as one of two girls remaining in attendance. So many dicks. Seriously, a LOT of random dicks. It didn't help that the guys kept yelling "Show us your dick!" It all pretty much ended in crab hands. There were some lovely Austrians, who reminded us Hitler came from there, and wisely told us to not drink too much.
I really should have listened to those nice Austrians.
Fast forward to my head in a toilet and moaning on a kitchen floor. Boyfriend took me home, undressed my sorry ass, and deposited me in bed with a bathroom trashcan. The next day was a pitiful hangover day with Krystal burgers and much whimpering. No more vodka for something like six months. Ugh. Wine is a friendlier drunk AND hangover.
Overall, a fan-fucking-tastic weekend. These are what makes my workdays easier.
But wait! Quill, you're writing this when you should be AT WORK! WTF, mate?
Well, lovelies, my family breeds Australian shepherds. Yes, this is relevant. You see, we have two knocked up bitches 'round here. They weren't due until this weekendish, but one furry lady didn't get the memo. Right before bed last night, Mom went out to check on her...and came rushing back in. Oh shit, she's in labor! Ohshit.
She's doing fine with healthy, pretty babies (we did lose one little one, sadly.) But she had Mom, also known as My Ride to Work, up all night. She had to run to town anyway and the house couldn't be left empty with such goings-on, so I stayed home. Not much of a trial, considering half my nose is currently swollen and throbbing due to a pimple in there. Ew. TMI, but fuck you, my blog. So I didn't really want to go in anyway.
Today is a day of get shit done instead. I blaaaaawwwgged, I'll wrap a few gifts, prep my dessert (cookie dough truffles yum) for the potluck at work Thursday. Get some paperwork done. Bum around SG, because there's only two weeks til my first set goes live. Eep!
Hope that's not all teal deer for you folks. It's been a life lately. Wouldn't have it any other way. It's been said I approach the world full-tilt, and runrunrun until I crash in a happy heap. So it goes.

Or how life got weird Friday and is only now slowly skidding to a stop.
I was released from work Thursday after a blissfully back-to-normal forty hour week. Came home, got ready for my weekend, and crashed into bed. My job's simple yet exhausting.I can't do much after a week of it but sleep.
Awoke Friday for a flurry of shower, pack, clean before my boyfriend ohmygodsquad picked me up for the weekly jaunt to his place. Really, I gotta learn to drive so I can leave exactly on my (strange) schedule. It would be loads simpler. Ah well. Soon! Made a quick dash to pick up my paycheck and new contacts before heading out. Despite having lived here off and on since I was 15, I still get lost in our tiny old downtown. One way streets confuse the hell out of me. I also got thrown when we scrrrrrrapped the bottom of his car in a poorly designed parking lot. There was loud, there was jerking, there was "Were we just rear-ended?!" and a girl gets rattled. Managed to find my eye doctor and then get the hell out of Dodge.
After a short nap (told you, I sleep a lot when I can,) the daring photographer/boyfriend abandoned me to shoot a high school football championship. Also known as doing his homework. Pfft.
I puttered around the Internets and plowed right through the second Percy jackson book. Quick reads, but I love 'em. When he got back, hours and hours later, I dragged his happy ass to the mall. On a Friday before Christmas. Gaspshockhorror! Had to be done. I had a Radio Shack! After a year+ of onging and lusting, I finally got myself an iPhone 4. Hup hup huzzah! I am totally in love with this damn thing. It's a gadget girl's wet dream! as someone attached to her laptop whenever possible, a tiny portable computer is the Best Thing Ever. I love this thing more than I ever loved my ex-husband. Not that that's difficult to achieve. Need a better comparison. Love it more than fried okra!
Friday finished with a Walmart trip (shudder) for ingredients, then back to the apartment. Time for cooking! Y'see, as a certified Country Girl, we have an abundance of chickens, and thus eggs, at my home. So I made a tasty, tasty quiche filled with rich farm eggs, ham, spinach, and to die for hickory smoked swiss/cheddar. Oh looooord. Heaven in a heart-clogging box.
That doubled as breakfast number one Saturday. Friends slacked off and didn't invite us to food until after we ate! We still managed to drag ourselves to Brenolyn's and I just had to force some hashbrown casserole down my throat. Oh, the torture. Also attempting to unseat a buddy as Mayor of the place on foursquare. Lofty goals!
All that tasty food got worked off, fear not. A horde of seven descended upon Lost River Cave's trails and we explored this thing called Nature. And by that I mean pretended we were butterflies, threw around hedge apples (or monkey brains, as we dubbed them,) and maybe had my nose glued to my new phone. Hey, I HAD to check in! It was good times, with many new pictures in the phone. Love my friends so damn much.
All this exercise meant we needed more food. Of course. The group split for an orgy of cooking with copious smoke breaks. Choose your smokable.
Our camp did Indian. The boy handled chicken vindaloo while I made my very first pakoras. Holy shit, deep-frying is noisy. I had to grow some balls just to chuck the fritters in there. My bravery was rewarded with delicious vegetables all battered and crispy. Om nom. Back to the friends' apartment to combine food forces! They'd made some splendid chili and cornbread, so good eats were had by all.
Out came the hookah and vodka! Lots of smoke and way too much drink later (whipped cream vodka and orange juice tastes just like a creamsicle, and that's dangerous as hell) we played silly games involving tape on the foreheads. There was a brief dark period when I almost got face-Sharpied, but we made it through. Then I got to be the bait on Chat Roulette, as one of two girls remaining in attendance. So many dicks. Seriously, a LOT of random dicks. It didn't help that the guys kept yelling "Show us your dick!" It all pretty much ended in crab hands. There were some lovely Austrians, who reminded us Hitler came from there, and wisely told us to not drink too much.
I really should have listened to those nice Austrians.
Fast forward to my head in a toilet and moaning on a kitchen floor. Boyfriend took me home, undressed my sorry ass, and deposited me in bed with a bathroom trashcan. The next day was a pitiful hangover day with Krystal burgers and much whimpering. No more vodka for something like six months. Ugh. Wine is a friendlier drunk AND hangover.
Overall, a fan-fucking-tastic weekend. These are what makes my workdays easier.
But wait! Quill, you're writing this when you should be AT WORK! WTF, mate?
Well, lovelies, my family breeds Australian shepherds. Yes, this is relevant. You see, we have two knocked up bitches 'round here. They weren't due until this weekendish, but one furry lady didn't get the memo. Right before bed last night, Mom went out to check on her...and came rushing back in. Oh shit, she's in labor! Ohshit.
She's doing fine with healthy, pretty babies (we did lose one little one, sadly.) But she had Mom, also known as My Ride to Work, up all night. She had to run to town anyway and the house couldn't be left empty with such goings-on, so I stayed home. Not much of a trial, considering half my nose is currently swollen and throbbing due to a pimple in there. Ew. TMI, but fuck you, my blog. So I didn't really want to go in anyway.
Today is a day of get shit done instead. I blaaaaawwwgged, I'll wrap a few gifts, prep my dessert (cookie dough truffles yum) for the potluck at work Thursday. Get some paperwork done. Bum around SG, because there's only two weeks til my first set goes live. Eep!
Hope that's not all teal deer for you folks. It's been a life lately. Wouldn't have it any other way. It's been said I approach the world full-tilt, and runrunrun until I crash in a happy heap. So it goes.

Have a great day! That dessert sounds delicious!