Not enough hours in the day. At least, not enough free hours. Work's trying to kill me, as always. Mandatory overtime is torturous, but it's better than laying off all the temps (of which I am one) like they did last February. Must produce the stock for the holidays, plus make up for the abysmal production our night shift manages. It's exhausting, but at least it's money.
The life of a factory girl.
The life of a factory girl.
I feel you. We were turning out tons of tractors 2 months ago and the overtime was killing me, now we cant even get 40 hours a week in. Not gonna be a good Christmas at the Carouser household...ugh. Factory work kinda blows. 

I work for a bread roll factory, so people are always eating it (ding dong, Atkin's diet is dead) but the holiday demand is crazy. Fifty hour weeks, which is great financially, but so, so tiring. Fingers crossed I get my full time hiring after the beginning of the year. It'll take ninety days my ass...been temping five months now.