Monday Mar 03, 2003 Mar 3, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email lately, i've been writing out rants and then deleting them. it helps, and it doesn't offend anyone. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS pr0ject605: Speak up, piss people off! If you need practice, you should come out with us after Ceremony sometime. Assuming, of course, you go... Mar 3, 2003 pr0ject605: Holy crap, talk about fast replies. I haven't been making it to ceremony due to work... but maybe I'll have to try to go this weekend. Just seems like lately the DJ's are somewhat disappointing and none of my friends have been going = me not going Mar 3, 2003
I haven't been making it to ceremony due to work... but maybe I'll have to try to go this weekend. Just seems like lately the DJ's are somewhat disappointing and none of my friends have been going = me not going