sgpghers have the cutest kids.
i swear. 3 five year old girls = hilarity. so so adorable.
i'm exhausted now. i'm so glad that i don't have one of my own, even if they are cuties.
i didn't get fired this morning. i'm not really sure why, but i'm getting transferred to a starbucks closer to home. i'm very greatful, i just feel bad.
however, i did talk to the manager about the issue on saturday and he told me i'm not the only one that has had problems with that girl. i feel much less insane now.

i swear. 3 five year old girls = hilarity. so so adorable.
i'm exhausted now. i'm so glad that i don't have one of my own, even if they are cuties.
i didn't get fired this morning. i'm not really sure why, but i'm getting transferred to a starbucks closer to home. i'm very greatful, i just feel bad.
however, i did talk to the manager about the issue on saturday and he told me i'm not the only one that has had problems with that girl. i feel much less insane now.

Work would be so much easier if it weren't for shitty employees. I think though that in the absence of an asshole in any work environment, one employee reverts to that state in ordr to fill the void. It's kind of like how, in the absence of members of the opposite sex, some members of certain frog species will sponteneously change their sex to compensate.
I heard something similar often happened in some regiments during WWII, but we won't go there!
Kids are cute!