things have been crazy the past few days. i haven't had time to look at the site. i've barely had the desire to check up on anything.
i went out last night to cheer myself up, and wore my new lip-service outift. i hate being so tiny and yet of average height. the lip-service petite fits me perfectly, except it's a little too short. i'm sure people saw my panties.
i got lots of compliments though, and caused lust in the hearts of men, and hate in the hearts of petty goth chicks.
2 ukranian guys hit on me and my friend. they came up to us and asked us to teach them how to dance.
i immediately tried to just dance with my friend and ignore them, but they didn't take the hint. i had to run away to the bar and get my friend wentis to save her.
it's a good thing i have lots of good male friends that look out for me.
even after we made it clear we weren't interested, one of the guys came up and told me i was very beautiful. blah.
the funniest part was that after my friend and i had thoroughly dissed them they moved onto the psychotic girl that is the girlfriend of the guy that lied about me and i stopped being friends with. considering he's such a great "sexy rockstar boyfriend", it was funny to see him not help her escape from the situation. she doesn't have many friends either, so the only person she could grab was a female acquaintance. obviously, grabbing a female doesn't always work with desperately horny men.
i went out last night to cheer myself up, and wore my new lip-service outift. i hate being so tiny and yet of average height. the lip-service petite fits me perfectly, except it's a little too short. i'm sure people saw my panties.
i got lots of compliments though, and caused lust in the hearts of men, and hate in the hearts of petty goth chicks.
2 ukranian guys hit on me and my friend. they came up to us and asked us to teach them how to dance.

it's a good thing i have lots of good male friends that look out for me.
even after we made it clear we weren't interested, one of the guys came up and told me i was very beautiful. blah.
the funniest part was that after my friend and i had thoroughly dissed them they moved onto the psychotic girl that is the girlfriend of the guy that lied about me and i stopped being friends with. considering he's such a great "sexy rockstar boyfriend", it was funny to see him not help her escape from the situation. she doesn't have many friends either, so the only person she could grab was a female acquaintance. obviously, grabbing a female doesn't always work with desperately horny men.
i know what you mean about the shortness. skirts never fit me right. and half the time i dont know if its the height on me...or the ghetto booty.