someone broke into my boyfriend's apartment today and stole his video game systems and all of his games while he was sleeping at my house.
burglars are weird. when my house was broken into a year and a half ago, they stole my iron and a necklace. they took nothing of value.
anyway, he thinks it may have been his ex, but i think it was the weirdo dude that knocked on his backdoor the other night asking for some random guy.
i dunno. when my house was broken into, people suggested it may have been my ex too. i guess that no matter how shitty a person is, i like to give them some credit for some semblance of sanity. though, he would probably know what she's capable of, since he spent 5 years with her.
maybe i'm too nice, as there are plenty of people i've given credit too and then they completely surprise me with the crazy later.
also, i should keep in mind that people have gone out of their way to seek out and read this journal. even gone as far as making sure they have access to members only entries.
atleast he no longer has a ferret. animals tend to get really upset about these things. when i came home after my break-in, my house was trashed, my underwear drawer contents were strewn all over the place, and my cat was whining. she made sure she slept all curled up under the covers with me for weeks afterwards.
i'm cold.
jason matthews swears i'm from punxatawney. that boy amuses me.
i *almost* wish we had a groundhog smiley. almost.
burglars are weird. when my house was broken into a year and a half ago, they stole my iron and a necklace. they took nothing of value.
anyway, he thinks it may have been his ex, but i think it was the weirdo dude that knocked on his backdoor the other night asking for some random guy.
i dunno. when my house was broken into, people suggested it may have been my ex too. i guess that no matter how shitty a person is, i like to give them some credit for some semblance of sanity. though, he would probably know what she's capable of, since he spent 5 years with her.
maybe i'm too nice, as there are plenty of people i've given credit too and then they completely surprise me with the crazy later.
also, i should keep in mind that people have gone out of their way to seek out and read this journal. even gone as far as making sure they have access to members only entries.
atleast he no longer has a ferret. animals tend to get really upset about these things. when i came home after my break-in, my house was trashed, my underwear drawer contents were strewn all over the place, and my cat was whining. she made sure she slept all curled up under the covers with me for weeks afterwards.

i'm cold.
jason matthews swears i'm from punxatawney. that boy amuses me.

Still, sorry to hear about that, it sucks.
Oh and Punxatawney rocks. Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies.