my incense is christmas. i think it is the frankincense. somehow, i equate it with happy.
so, not much has gone on since i last wrote. i still want to learn how to skateboard. (can any of you teach me?)
school is going well, infact, i'm supposed to be writing a paper right now. i'm the QUEEN of procrastination.
i'm feel sort of socially anxious and having body image issues lately, but i think it is because of the stress of being back in school and working. infact, i kinda feel lost in this whole paper writing process currently.
i dunno. i know i'm not fat, but i'm feeling kinda bloated. i weigh more than i've ever weighed before, and yet i still fit into all my clothes. i'm wondering where all of the weight is going... pat says my internal organs are just becoming dense.
it's just odd, maybe it was the alien abduction.
my skin is also breaking out. argh.
stress. stress.
anyway, despite my social anxiety i managed to drag myself out of the house and have fun on fri and sat. it was nice seeing dolorian. there was this really cute girl at the bar on fri, and she apparently thought i was cute too, but i was too socially retarded to properly put the moves on her. my boyfriend was also being a little pissy. krista, on the other hand, is the lesbo pimp and no issues whatsoever.
so, my boyfriend's ceiling finally got fixed in his bedroom. that's one less stressor, but his ex (that i've written about previously) is calling and/or writing him email every other day. frankly, it's annoying, and is making us count down the months until we can both escape from pittsburgh and the clutches of people like her.
oh, those of you that i've told stories about her to before will find this REALLY amusing. last week, he got this angry, freaked out, crazy email from her saying that she can't take care of the ferret anymore because she just doesn't have the time or the energy (keep in mind the fact that she got fired from her job and is only taking 12 credits worth of classes). well, i nearly died when my boy showed me the email, because she kidnapped the ferret months ago (when my boyfriend had a broken shoulder and was having problems taking care of the ferret) under the pretenses of "well, i'm taking the ferret because you are too irresponsible to take care of it.. etc etc".
uh huh.
so, after he emails her back saying he'll take it, she emails him back a few days later and apologizes for the email and says she's going to keep the ferret afterall. apparently, she was just "pmsing hardcore", to put it in her words.
oh man.
i feel so bad for that ferret. it's already been poisoned twice in her care.
so, not much has gone on since i last wrote. i still want to learn how to skateboard. (can any of you teach me?)
school is going well, infact, i'm supposed to be writing a paper right now. i'm the QUEEN of procrastination.
i'm feel sort of socially anxious and having body image issues lately, but i think it is because of the stress of being back in school and working. infact, i kinda feel lost in this whole paper writing process currently.
i dunno. i know i'm not fat, but i'm feeling kinda bloated. i weigh more than i've ever weighed before, and yet i still fit into all my clothes. i'm wondering where all of the weight is going... pat says my internal organs are just becoming dense.

it's just odd, maybe it was the alien abduction.

my skin is also breaking out. argh.
stress. stress.
anyway, despite my social anxiety i managed to drag myself out of the house and have fun on fri and sat. it was nice seeing dolorian. there was this really cute girl at the bar on fri, and she apparently thought i was cute too, but i was too socially retarded to properly put the moves on her. my boyfriend was also being a little pissy. krista, on the other hand, is the lesbo pimp and no issues whatsoever.
so, my boyfriend's ceiling finally got fixed in his bedroom. that's one less stressor, but his ex (that i've written about previously) is calling and/or writing him email every other day. frankly, it's annoying, and is making us count down the months until we can both escape from pittsburgh and the clutches of people like her.
oh, those of you that i've told stories about her to before will find this REALLY amusing. last week, he got this angry, freaked out, crazy email from her saying that she can't take care of the ferret anymore because she just doesn't have the time or the energy (keep in mind the fact that she got fired from her job and is only taking 12 credits worth of classes). well, i nearly died when my boy showed me the email, because she kidnapped the ferret months ago (when my boyfriend had a broken shoulder and was having problems taking care of the ferret) under the pretenses of "well, i'm taking the ferret because you are too irresponsible to take care of it.. etc etc".
uh huh.
so, after he emails her back saying he'll take it, she emails him back a few days later and apologizes for the email and says she's going to keep the ferret afterall. apparently, she was just "pmsing hardcore", to put it in her words.
oh man.
i feel so bad for that ferret. it's already been poisoned twice in her care.

And if you aren't to the level where you need to consistantly land kickflips, I can teach you to skate. Or should I say... SK8!