my sister got hit by a car the other. she was crossing the street, and the car didn't see her. she's ok, but she has an incredibly bad sprain in her leg. she'll have to walk on crutches for a while.
this guy i know got into a bad car accident. these 2 girls ran a red light and smashed up his car. he broke his shoulder, and now it is in a sling for 6 weeks.
my grandfather is dying of cancer, and i feel fairly numb about it.
he was never much of a grandfather to me. he never talked to me, or was affectionate.
he's also not a generally nice person. he abused my mother.
i don't know. he's dying this horrid death, and i feel like i should feel something because he's blood.
some people are so into family, and sticking by eachother and forgiving no matter what.
i guess i think that actions mean more than blood.
i just wish i could feel something other than confusion.
this guy i know got into a bad car accident. these 2 girls ran a red light and smashed up his car. he broke his shoulder, and now it is in a sling for 6 weeks.
my grandfather is dying of cancer, and i feel fairly numb about it.
he was never much of a grandfather to me. he never talked to me, or was affectionate.
he's also not a generally nice person. he abused my mother.
i don't know. he's dying this horrid death, and i feel like i should feel something because he's blood.
some people are so into family, and sticking by eachother and forgiving no matter what.
i guess i think that actions mean more than blood.
i just wish i could feel something other than confusion.
i think with people like that, you don't really have to care, blood or not. they've never contributed anything good to your life, so why should you care about theirs?