ok. this is kinda weird, but i think the new sg danika kinda looks like me, or i look like her. whatever.
we even have the same boobs. we both have light eyes, lots of freckles, i used to have that haircut, high cheekbones, slightly pointed features... surreal
Separated at birth? Astral sisters? smile
well, she is beautiful. and there is a compliment to you too.


random random random

so, i'm definitely giving my account away. it will be given to a boy, so it will be used for proper wankitude.

i saw the surreal life last night. vanilla ice has some serious serious issues. he manages to be the most annoying person on the show, despite the fact that his costars are 2 bimbos, a pornstar, a tv star from...
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of course you got 100%....you ARE 100%, baby!!!
riveting??? he found your dancing RIVETING???? i need to watch you dance sometime...perhaps it will inspire the genius that i know is hiding deep within me.

um, i sent joe your email address, so you should get something soon. we (k, erin, me jp, and maybe a few others) are going to thai me up friday, meeting somewhere around 8. do you need a ride?

i should think i might like to go to 80's night this week. but i have 3 broken ribs, might not be such a good idea.

ah well, too bad you're leaving, but you gave fair warning.

And yes, Berlin does rock, although I mean the city, not the 80's band, and definitely not the small town in pennsylvania. Are you going there?

Pretend lesbians are really annoying. There's a thread about that somewhere in lifestyles, you're definitely not alone in your dislike of them.
my favorite shakespearian soliloquy. it is from hamlet.
"I have of late--but
wherefore I know not--lost all my mirth, forgone all
custom of exercises; and indeed it goes so heavily
with my disposition that this goodly frame, the
earth, seems to me a sterile promontory, this most
excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave
o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted
with golden fire,...
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i'm feeling oddly motivated right now. WATCH OUT!
this must mean something strange is afoot.
i'm sitting here listening to mp3s, cookin up some red beans n rice, and coloring in the contrast stitching on my new boots.
yeah, i bought these new kickass like combat boots the other day for a mere $25. the only issue is the fact that they have goldish contrast...
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I feel you..I think it is the new year...mine sucked so bad last year that this year is MINE and I am getting so much shit in order.
Health wise it sucks...but I am trying not to let it get to me...I was too down too long last year...and it is scary to think about anyway..so till I know for sure...I am trying not to dwell.
Liz Phair was totally my growing-up- girl- power -I- don't- need- no- steenking- man- idol...but alas...she has left her posse and joined the cheerleaders...that bitch.
I was happy to read that you two are still hunkahunkaburninlove.
i'm not sure what time it starts sometime between 8 and 10
a while ago i queried you people about the possibility of having too much sex.
well, i learned the answer on my own.
after being away from my boy for 4 days, our reunion resulted in a sexplosion that has lasted for many many days.
i'm so freakin sore, that i've sworn off sex until tuesday.
boo. frown
I can't even get laid in my dreams....seriously if i'm dreaming that i'm about to score, something in my dream interrupts me. It sucks.

Glad you're having fun though.
new profile pic taken last night at my friend's bday.
it's blurry, but now yinz know what i look like currently. this is opposed to the drawing of me that looks like me almost a year ago.
i love my new camera.
some dude stopped me and told me i have a nice booty, and demanded that i take his picture. his photo is in...
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Nice new pics... hope your new year's went well.
the boy and i tried magnum sized condoms last night, and they fit him perfectly. hooray.
we both found the flashy gold wrapper really amusing, like it was a prize or something to have to use larger sized condoms.

then, we decided we should make our own larger sized condoms and call them "CONGRATULATIONS".

i'm off for xmas stuff today. i won't be around...
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merry holidays to you and yours, sweet.
I wish I had a boy with a big weiner. Congratulations.

xoxo alexis
things have been crazy the past few days. i haven't had time to look at the site. i've barely had the desire to check up on anything.
i went out last night to cheer myself up, and wore my new lip-service outift. i hate being so tiny and yet of average height. the lip-service petite fits me perfectly, except it's a little too short. i'm...
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i know what you mean about the shortness. skirts never fit me right. and half the time i dont know if its the height on me...or the ghetto booty.
someone broke into my boyfriend's apartment today and stole his video game systems and all of his games while he was sleeping at my house.
burglars are weird. when my house was broken into a year and a half ago, they stole my iron and a necklace. they took nothing of value.
anyway, he thinks it may have been his ex, but i think it...
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I think the average burglar doesn't plan out their heist way in advance, figuring out what the most valuable items will be and strategically taking them. I think movies give them way too much credit. My guess is that the average thief is someone who just happens to be there at that time, is totally freaked out the whole time they're inside, and just grabs whatever they see that looks potentially interesting, and then runs.

Still, sorry to hear about that, it sucks.

Oh and Punxatawney rocks. Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies.
i've been meeting a lot of new people lately.
this is definitely a time of transition. i am constantly evolving.
we'll see. i have so much hope for my life right now.
i've been given new knowledge. it really is the philosophical cliche: i was in the cave watching the shadows, and was taken up and shown the light.

i'm having my pirate party this...
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Yes, you're correct, I'd like to think that my attraction goes further than secondary sex characteristics.

What do you think of evolutionary psychology? It seems like it experienced a brief surge of popularity, and still has its adherents, but one wonders how much primordial evolution effects our own psyches. It sort of goes against the notion of a tabula rosa, which I like, it gives me some hope. I'd hate to think that all of our impulses are preprogrammed based on the choices of our ancestors 100 million years ago.
Hee. I haven't been to Pegasus in quite a while.