yes two updates in one week so far.
while i generally consider Spring to be my favorate time of year, the one thing that i do dislike about it is the fact that some mornings can be cold, and as the day goes it gets warmer. it is the cold mornings that i hate though. that is relly my only problem with Spring. we have had some cold/chilly mornings recently thus it is why i bring it up.
work right now is boring. i'm doing nothing except watching some testing every other day. there is no production right now, nor is there any shipping. just boredom, but that should change in June when production for me is scheduled to resume.
on another note. two very awesome ladies, and friends left here yesterday. Hellah, and Mle
i had the pleasure of meeting Hellah once on her birthday when i went up to visit Lexie in Boston this past Decemeber. both Lexie, and Murkling took me with them to her birthday party. it is on the same trip where my profile picture was taken by Lexie, and then resized, and edited (cause i am a moron when it comes to such things) by Murkling. anyway back to Hellah, she was supercool to meet, and hang out with
the first person that i ever met from this site was Mle. when i joined here in early June 2004 i knew no one from here. one of the first that i started talking to on here was Mle. it was her that convinced/proded me to go to the Philly SG Burlesque show at the Troc. she became the first person from this site that i met that night. she also introduced to several other people from here including Gadget, HrlyQuinn, DodRaibeid, Godsmoker, and several others. if it wasn't for Mle convincing me to attend i probably would have remained home that night, and maybe not have gotten to meet any of those people ever. she would also be the one that would go on to introduce me to one of my favorate people Morgan. simply put Mle is one of the most awesome people that i have ever met
so that is my little shoutout to the both of them.
hope the rest of you have a great week, and hopefully it will get warmer too, i hate having to put the heat on in my car
yes two updates in one week so far.
while i generally consider Spring to be my favorate time of year, the one thing that i do dislike about it is the fact that some mornings can be cold, and as the day goes it gets warmer. it is the cold mornings that i hate though. that is relly my only problem with Spring. we have had some cold/chilly mornings recently thus it is why i bring it up.
work right now is boring. i'm doing nothing except watching some testing every other day. there is no production right now, nor is there any shipping. just boredom, but that should change in June when production for me is scheduled to resume.
on another note. two very awesome ladies, and friends left here yesterday. Hellah, and Mle

i had the pleasure of meeting Hellah once on her birthday when i went up to visit Lexie in Boston this past Decemeber. both Lexie, and Murkling took me with them to her birthday party. it is on the same trip where my profile picture was taken by Lexie, and then resized, and edited (cause i am a moron when it comes to such things) by Murkling. anyway back to Hellah, she was supercool to meet, and hang out with

the first person that i ever met from this site was Mle. when i joined here in early June 2004 i knew no one from here. one of the first that i started talking to on here was Mle. it was her that convinced/proded me to go to the Philly SG Burlesque show at the Troc. she became the first person from this site that i met that night. she also introduced to several other people from here including Gadget, HrlyQuinn, DodRaibeid, Godsmoker, and several others. if it wasn't for Mle convincing me to attend i probably would have remained home that night, and maybe not have gotten to meet any of those people ever. she would also be the one that would go on to introduce me to one of my favorate people Morgan. simply put Mle is one of the most awesome people that i have ever met

so that is my little shoutout to the both of them.
hope the rest of you have a great week, and hopefully it will get warmer too, i hate having to put the heat on in my car

yeah not sure how much its worth but for a deal from 2007-2010 must be big! And will you be online for the race sunday?
you party animal you!