some times it just doesn't seem worth the struggle and then sometimes little messages make it all worth while....from a woman i have know for a long time. i received this emal today...."you are an excellent true friend and i am lucky to have you in my life all these years. thank you."
thank you to all of you that think independently and have the courage to speak your own mind and march to your own drummer, especially when your drummer is not playing a popular tune and your mind is not thinking popular thoughts.
when we do this we are not often popular and when someone expresses their appreciation for your struggles to be true to yourself and true to your friends it is most heartening.
thank you to all of you that think independently and have the courage to speak your own mind and march to your own drummer, especially when your drummer is not playing a popular tune and your mind is not thinking popular thoughts.
when we do this we are not often popular and when someone expresses their appreciation for your struggles to be true to yourself and true to your friends it is most heartening.