i thought i was going to die the other night when he said he didn't want to be with me anymore. i still don't know what i'm supposed to do. when i said i wanted to come over and get my stuff that was my scared/fucked up way of trying to change the way things were. i think i was just hoping to hear, "no...
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not much new going on really. haven't updated in a while cause theres not much to say really. still working 6 days aweek. been trying to go out some tho and just keep in touch with ppl more. went out the other night with a friend from work for a girls night out which was a blast while jesse did the same for a guys...
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so today is my day off and there's lots to say cause i havent
updated in awhile. don' know why i bother because no one reads this anyway....and no...i'm not fishing for ppl to say, "no, I do." who normally don't respond anyway, so pls don't. lol. anyway, when i woke up this morning i couldn't stop thinking of this friend of mine who is...
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don't know why i'm writing cause i don't really have anything to say.....i just finished 2 books this week, Dry and Running with Scissors....not in that order. they are autobiographical and the most fucked up books i've read in a long time. makes me feel a little more normal. work is getting harder for me. last night when jess and i went to the store...
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Hey thanks for the birthday wishes. It's amazing how many stupid people you talk to when you work at a call center. Some things I heard when I took calls for AOL:
"So you're saying each time I installed AOL and made a new screen name it created a new account?"
at least 5-10 times a day I heard: "So I have to cancel the account or you keep charging me?"
"Are you trying to tell me I'm responsible for the actions of my 8 year old?"
etc etc
so i missed a really good 2 room party in spokompton last night. oh well. jesse just thinks that i will use if we go to a party because before i said i wouldnt and i did....but that was way before i was serious about being clean. and he has such a hard time because he says that he was really hooked and can't be...
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yesss...revel in the dorkdom. We welcome you with open arms.


ok...I'm done now
i feel so fucking alone. and i had another breakdown last night and i was finally able to realize why i've felt this way and i think i was able to tell jesse so that he actually understands a little better. i just have no one in my life other then him and my parents and that really bothers me sometimes. i've just lost the...
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so yeah...i'm freaking out about work cause i'm scheduled to work at 3 am one day and 11:30 the next day and various other crappy hours ....nothing that allowes me to get a decent nights sleep for the next 2 weeks. and i usually sleep about 9 hrs a night! i love sleep. all that on top of having mandatory overtime-6 days a week and...
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really up box hurrying dinner your pray exactly interesting. its home said water
area pity times! full need promised poem near want dare supposed. because at us
grabbed realize moving honest, recess figure america business"

so this is what i got in an email today from some random person. i was like..."WTF!?" but i like randomness so its all good.
so yeah...went to the convention and it was ok. not worth the 10 bucks to get in as it was so small and there wasn't really anything going on at the time. oh well. it was still cool and gave me some really good ideas of some stuff i want to have done. im thinking of doing my quarter sleeve as a panoramic view of...
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so yeah, not much to say except i'm hopefully going to the tattoo and piercing convention today. WOOT! jesse said that i can bring my id and HAVE to leave my credit/debit card at home. he's like, "u do not have the $ for a tattoo right now" and he practically begged me not to get a medusa. i really want another piercing but i...
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