i'm happy with a guy again, but i can honestly say that i'm afraid that i won't be able to really find myself in love again for a while even tho we seem so compatible and very happy together. the love i had for jesse was soo deep and i think that leaves a lot for jacek to live up to. but we'll see. went out of town again this weekend. last weekend went to moscow w a friend to visit another friend and this weekend went there w jacek to visit his family and some friends. had fun partying in a small college town. we actually ended up coming home the night before we were planning on leaving and went to a good friend of mines house in spokane. jacek was super cool too- cause everyone there, me and all my friends, were getting all kinds of fucked up, and he just sat and chilled and kept me company and hung out w my friends. then he drove a friend of mine home which was actually a long ways out of the way but was a sweetheart and did it and refused gas $. and we went home and got a good nights sleep. yesterday was fun too. sex in the morning, got up and did some grocery shopping and rented some movies, went back to his place and spent the afternoon on the couch napping and watching movies while drinking chiraz. yuumm. talk about a lazy day. it was awesome. not much else is new really. still need to get off my ass and get a job and need to slow down w the partying. i just feel like i spent the last 6 months at a job where i worked 6 days a week, never with a set schedule, from anywhere from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. starting time and splits shifts to boot. my whole entire life was work. so now i'm making up for it. but yeah. thats it for now i guess. ciao!
wow...youre from hayden too!? i am quite surprised. i didnt think anyone around here actually paid for a membership, they just talk like they do. very neat.
yes yes....hayden sux, but it is home. since u live in town u should check out the party i'm throwing on the 2nd at the tea house if u like tekno. check on my journal in events.