so today is my day off and there's lots to say cause i havent
updated in awhile. don' know why i bother because no one reads this anyway....and no...i'm not fishing for ppl to say, "no, I do." who normally don't respond anyway, so pls don't. lol. anyway, when i woke up this morning i couldn't stop thinking of this friend of mine who is in the hospital. she is not really a good friend or anything. someone jesse introduced me to from work before i started working there, and i don't really know her all that well. she is more of a friendly acquaintance. but at any rate- all i know is that her hunny told her that he is in love with someone else and now she in the hosp. it just breaks my heart. i know she has emotional problems and all and i have a feelin that this is not the 1st time she in in this predicament. i don't really know why i posted that, its just the thing on my mind.
well i broke done and bought a car. a 92 accord. so now i look like everyone else. haha! i feel weird driving such a generic car but i figured for $1,000 it was the most luxourious thing. it has like 277,000 sumptin odd miles on it and the interior is dirty as hell, but i think i should get a few years out of it at least. and cleaning the interior is something that i have to do later today....
so on sat night i went to spokane to see flogging molly (again), the briggs and street dogs. 3 very awesome bands. awesome concert. had a blast. saw a few ppl i hadn't seen in awhile on my excursions to the ladies room which i hate to have to do cause i miss the show but beer goes right thru me...and i met some other ppl who were my friends bob's friends from U of I that drove all the way up from moscow for the show, which is kinda funny cause last time jesse and i went down to moscow to see flogging molly. wow-that was a very discombobulated sentence.
there were even some kids there dressed up like pirates. and it was kinda weird cause there were lots of kids there. with punk becoming so "popular" it was a very mixed crowed, but good for revenue i guess.
i have decided that i want to become a massuer. i think that it is something that i am damn good at and and that i could stand to do for a living. i also want to really get into aromatheapy more because the 2 combined = a wonderful expreience. there is no overhead for being a massuse other then for oils and disinfectants and maybe lease if you rent space somewhere, but what i would like to do is get a chair and set up days where i travel to big companies and spend the day there so that ppl can get a massage on their breaks. at my last job there were ppl that came in that did that and they charged like 5 buck$ for a 10 min chair massage and 7$ for 15 mins. even if u only do 4 massages in an hour thats 20$ an hour right there, all take home! so yeah, when i'm done here i'm off to check into schools in the area and then off clean my car.
updated in awhile. don' know why i bother because no one reads this anyway....and no...i'm not fishing for ppl to say, "no, I do." who normally don't respond anyway, so pls don't. lol. anyway, when i woke up this morning i couldn't stop thinking of this friend of mine who is in the hospital. she is not really a good friend or anything. someone jesse introduced me to from work before i started working there, and i don't really know her all that well. she is more of a friendly acquaintance. but at any rate- all i know is that her hunny told her that he is in love with someone else and now she in the hosp. it just breaks my heart. i know she has emotional problems and all and i have a feelin that this is not the 1st time she in in this predicament. i don't really know why i posted that, its just the thing on my mind.
well i broke done and bought a car. a 92 accord. so now i look like everyone else. haha! i feel weird driving such a generic car but i figured for $1,000 it was the most luxourious thing. it has like 277,000 sumptin odd miles on it and the interior is dirty as hell, but i think i should get a few years out of it at least. and cleaning the interior is something that i have to do later today....
so on sat night i went to spokane to see flogging molly (again), the briggs and street dogs. 3 very awesome bands. awesome concert. had a blast. saw a few ppl i hadn't seen in awhile on my excursions to the ladies room which i hate to have to do cause i miss the show but beer goes right thru me...and i met some other ppl who were my friends bob's friends from U of I that drove all the way up from moscow for the show, which is kinda funny cause last time jesse and i went down to moscow to see flogging molly. wow-that was a very discombobulated sentence.

i have decided that i want to become a massuer. i think that it is something that i am damn good at and and that i could stand to do for a living. i also want to really get into aromatheapy more because the 2 combined = a wonderful expreience. there is no overhead for being a massuse other then for oils and disinfectants and maybe lease if you rent space somewhere, but what i would like to do is get a chair and set up days where i travel to big companies and spend the day there so that ppl can get a massage on their breaks. at my last job there were ppl that came in that did that and they charged like 5 buck$ for a 10 min chair massage and 7$ for 15 mins. even if u only do 4 massages in an hour thats 20$ an hour right there, all take home! so yeah, when i'm done here i'm off to check into schools in the area and then off clean my car.