yeah, so ppl suck. i fucking hate greedy ppl. why would i pay rent to share a small bedroom with my bf in a house with 4 other ppl where i can't even have my stuff here cause theres no room and everyone here is a fucking slob anyway??? i'll tell u why....i would pay rent here just so everyone else's bill would be lower. yeah fucking right! jesse was already paying an extra portion of the utilities here since i was here all the time, but that wasn't good enough. "jesse, your gf is staying here every night so she either needs to pay rent or she can only stay here 4 nights a week." whatever. they never even saw me or knew i was here unless we happed to be in the same room together or if they saw my car parked outside. and these where ppl that were kinda friends before anything else. yeah- i'm gonna pay you to occupy some space in my bf's bedroom. so now you will have to only split the utilities 5 ways instead of 6 cause your not getting money for me not being welcome here. hmmmph! and the kicker for me is that it was stressed that when jesse lived at home i practically lived there too, because we are attached at the hip, and we didnt' want that to change and is that gonna be a problem, and if it is we need to know now so we are not faced with any suprises and prob, its understood. WELL FUCK GREEDY BASTARDS!
I agree. As long as you aren't eating their food and paying for the powere you use *if you shower there* than they should shut their mouths and stop being assholes. That's always the way i look at it. If you dont have all of your shit their, you arent living there. fuck them man. thats what i say