why is my pic all bunched up???i couldn't figure out how to make it look right. any help?
actually i downsized it from a bigger pic. i dunno....i'm just a mushroom head.
so yeah...this will be my new "BLOG" home on the net as my livejournal has been violated by judgements and criticisms from those that read it. i just want a plac to get my thoughts out and not worry about what ppl think. pls feel free to coment...thats not what i mean't. its just the ppl that my lj refered to held stuff against me all the time and i couldn' t say what i wanted anymore, so i'm not giving out the link to this to certain ppl. so if anyone stumbles across this and cares here is a link to my LJ for my journaling up to now.....www.livejournal.com/users/quietantrum plus this is much better because i have all the hotties to check out