So right now I'm lightly drunk. (Joy and 5 points for Bad Apfel...a nifty little high proof German Apfel schnapps). Last night's entry met with utter failure as none of those fine people on my friends list felt compelled to leave ay entries.
I'll soldier on.
I'm brave like that.
Now, my charge to you, oh faithful readers, is to tell me your best drinking story. I know you have one. We all have one. Here's mine to get you all started.
So I was living in Aberdeen, Scotland and it was the end of October, time for the cocktail society costumed competitive pub crawl. We had score cards. (for those of you who know me, any degree of competition can become a dangerous thing) It was 1 point for a pint, 5 points for a shot, and 10 points for a cocktail. Each pub also had a required drink worth 5 points, and there were various dares that could be performed for bonus points. Things like drinking water, going to the bathroom, and vomiting lost points. Each team was accompanied by a member of he cocktail society's exec. board to keep things official.
Over the course of three hours I had 1 pint, 5 cocktails (averaging about 1 and 1/2 servings of alcohol each, some of them were rather strong), and 14 shooters. I say shooters as at least three of them were doubles...
After that we went to one more bar and I was so drunk that I couldn't even keep scratch marks on my scorecard anymore. Then my team realized that we were all approaching death and left the crawl one pub before completion.
Back at our flats we were all hanging out, wasting time, etc. I did get ill once, but not much and not badly. I ended up falling asleep sitting on my friend Anna's bed. She pushed me over so I was laying in the crack between her bed and the wall and went to sleep. No water, mind you...
She woke me up at 7:30 AM (I had class at 9 and fell asleep at around 2), so I snuck back into my flat without disturbing my mates, who never realized I didn't come home the night before, showered, ate breakfast, and met them at the bus stop. I went to my nearly two hour lecture class, took coherent notes, and walked back the two miles to my flat before taking an afternoon nap.
No hangover.
I do have a few somewhat more interesting stories to share with those brave souls who post...
I'll soldier on.
I'm brave like that.
Now, my charge to you, oh faithful readers, is to tell me your best drinking story. I know you have one. We all have one. Here's mine to get you all started.
So I was living in Aberdeen, Scotland and it was the end of October, time for the cocktail society costumed competitive pub crawl. We had score cards. (for those of you who know me, any degree of competition can become a dangerous thing) It was 1 point for a pint, 5 points for a shot, and 10 points for a cocktail. Each pub also had a required drink worth 5 points, and there were various dares that could be performed for bonus points. Things like drinking water, going to the bathroom, and vomiting lost points. Each team was accompanied by a member of he cocktail society's exec. board to keep things official.
Over the course of three hours I had 1 pint, 5 cocktails (averaging about 1 and 1/2 servings of alcohol each, some of them were rather strong), and 14 shooters. I say shooters as at least three of them were doubles...
After that we went to one more bar and I was so drunk that I couldn't even keep scratch marks on my scorecard anymore. Then my team realized that we were all approaching death and left the crawl one pub before completion.
Back at our flats we were all hanging out, wasting time, etc. I did get ill once, but not much and not badly. I ended up falling asleep sitting on my friend Anna's bed. She pushed me over so I was laying in the crack between her bed and the wall and went to sleep. No water, mind you...
She woke me up at 7:30 AM (I had class at 9 and fell asleep at around 2), so I snuck back into my flat without disturbing my mates, who never realized I didn't come home the night before, showered, ate breakfast, and met them at the bus stop. I went to my nearly two hour lecture class, took coherent notes, and walked back the two miles to my flat before taking an afternoon nap.
No hangover.
I do have a few somewhat more interesting stories to share with those brave souls who post...