Off to the land of Cleve for friends' wedding this this rate I'll never have to go to another wedding again after next year. They're committing like things that commit frequently!
Feh. (I'm branching out from more worn expressions of sighs and vague ennui)
I want to get started on some dance project soon...I like doing [:a:] stuff and things, and after the past summer of "3 new shows, 3 months? No problem!" it's surreal to live life without dance practice thrice weekly.
In somewhat related news, though, I will be modelling for the upcoming Distro.y fashion show at the end of October. Gillian is quite thoroughly uber, and I think I should start slavishly modelling my actions on her successful business model to start getting my own designs actually made and marketed. I am owed two weeks' vacation between now and Thanksgiving, so hopefully there will be a glut of fabric shopping and sewing sometime in my near future.
As for Neil Gaiman, Mirrormask is delicious, and heady, and brilliantly, titillatingly glamourous. I will see this movie again while it's playing in theaters. Anansi Boys is very good, but leaves me with a pervasive desire to read Good Omens again because AB is written with so much of Pratchett's literary mannerisms (above and beyond the simple colloquialisms and patterns of UK English for the characters), that the more mytho-poeic sections of the novel seem less pervasively interwoven with the continual descriptions and exchanges than in his other works (particularly American Gods).
Feh. (I'm branching out from more worn expressions of sighs and vague ennui)
I want to get started on some dance project soon...I like doing [:a:] stuff and things, and after the past summer of "3 new shows, 3 months? No problem!" it's surreal to live life without dance practice thrice weekly.
In somewhat related news, though, I will be modelling for the upcoming Distro.y fashion show at the end of October. Gillian is quite thoroughly uber, and I think I should start slavishly modelling my actions on her successful business model to start getting my own designs actually made and marketed. I am owed two weeks' vacation between now and Thanksgiving, so hopefully there will be a glut of fabric shopping and sewing sometime in my near future.
As for Neil Gaiman, Mirrormask is delicious, and heady, and brilliantly, titillatingly glamourous. I will see this movie again while it's playing in theaters. Anansi Boys is very good, but leaves me with a pervasive desire to read Good Omens again because AB is written with so much of Pratchett's literary mannerisms (above and beyond the simple colloquialisms and patterns of UK English for the characters), that the more mytho-poeic sections of the novel seem less pervasively interwoven with the continual descriptions and exchanges than in his other works (particularly American Gods).