Hmmm...I actually get a day off today. Im psyched! But there is tons of shit to do today so not like it will feel like a day off. O-well..........and another thing, I bet tonight I get atleast 1 phone call from work. I swear to god those fuckers at work are so stupid and lost without me. Last night, everybody at work knows I have...
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What do you have to do today besides me? hee hee.

Thanks for being so nice to me yesterday and today. It helps a lot. Sorry if I am whiny 

Thanks for chillin w/me last night in the ER even though you had to work early today. You are the bestest!

hmmm..where did this journal entry go?
well, I really think all the people who visited me and said something sweet deserve special comments, not only a "thanks". Do'nt u think?

Pooville sounds like a shitty place to be. haha (yeah pun intended I'm a goober)
Thanks for making me giggle at work..I love it when the girls around me look at me weird for giggling at nothing.
Thanks for making me giggle at work..I love it when the girls around me look at me weird for giggling at nothing.

It was nice to get away from all the damn problems at work for a few days. Although I came back and they had just built up waiting for my return. Now its like work is pissed at me for leaving (like work as its own person, not the actual people) and is getting me back by throwing all these problems at me. The new...
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I did have a good time this weekend...Thanks!
I am sorry that work is so evil. Even so, you are handling the stress quite well. I proud of you!
I am sorry that work is so evil. Even so, you are handling the stress quite well. I proud of you!

I got the weekend off! Im going to a twins game, and valleyfair on my parents. Should be a fun, free weekend!
I'm trying to repply all the comments, the most importants first hehehe
Thanx for visiting me and making me feel so well when I saw my face in the middle of your favorites

Thanx for visiting me and making me feel so well when I saw my face in the middle of your favorites

Its now 12:40 central time....I have to get up at 6AM to go to work. Why am I still awake? O-yeah...I didnt get off work till 45 minutes ago! I came home wound up so I decided to finish team america (fuck yeah)....then I was browsing the interweb. Now its time to try to make myself go to sleep so I can wake up in...
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Welcome to SGMC!
Hey, well you finally came by and dropped some love on my page eh?

So my 4th of July absolutly sucked ass. It is probably my favorite or second favorite holiday. Guess what I had to do all day.....WORK! One good thing is I got time and a half for working on a holiday, but I had to work unitl 11:00 at night. So this means that I didnt get to see fireworks. Probably my favorite holiday activity ever....
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Awwww, that really blows. I'm sorry you had to work yesterday. What's your other favorite holiday? Maybe that one will kick so much ass that it'll make up for it.
yay! a new journal! It does suck that your holiday was so shitty, hopefully you can find a new job on the near future so that you are able to have at least some fun with the rest of your summer to make up for it.
So, addition to the last journal....I go to work today and my manager is in tears. She is having an absolute shit day, so being the nice guy that I am I tell her to go home and volunteer to do the rest of her daily work that I know how to. STUPID! All I can say is god damn good thing MEMBER=adoll] was there...
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sooo you should up date more often bed is so comfy. I just wanna crawl in it and hide. So im still the only closer at work, and even though there are tons of apps nobody is being hired. This sucks ass. I have talked to my manager a bunch of times and she keeps telling me that we will hire someone...yeah....I was also told a month ago I would get...
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TELL HER TO HIRE ME! It doesn't matter that we all know each other...tellher I'll be the best little bitch worker she's ever seen.

dude, which stop n go do u work at?
oh, and abstract set is in SG hopefuls, page 10.
oh, and abstract set is in SG hopefuls, page 10.