Best thing ever to hear on an IATSE Call:
"... well that's good. You're probably the only one who knows what they're doing"
I got a bit behind in my private shit-wrangling do-do list, which would lead to more self-berating, if it hadn't happened by the fact hat IATSE called on Monday to send me to a 14hr day at the Theatre Du Nouveau Monde, which consequently, led to, both my being called in for the following 2 days, and to my being handed a card by an agent.
An Agent? What? Me? Representation?! As a Designer to boot? wtf?
And not just an agent, nono. One that represents designers and technicians to International touring companies.
Australia. 2008.
Touring, I was told yesterday by the NTS Boot Camp Sargent, is the best production school there is.
And so, the 3 days spent setting up Le malade imaginaire at the TNM also prevented me from preparing adequately for... well, the most ticklish, and likely unforgettable event in this young director's life. My First Auditions for My First Production. Ever.
Oh god.
For the stove, it's our oven. Just got it (2nd hand, but it seemed in great shape). From what I can tell, such elements will normally last at least 5-6 years and sometimes 10+. Just my luck. At least it waited till the brownies finished baking to crap out. But I was S.O.L and had to bake my bread in the upstairs neighbours rather dodgy oven.
For the beer kit...I'll tell you what, there are only a couple of good stores in the Montreal area for such things...But If you are game, I'll even go with you and pick out something appropriate...I presume it's a malt-extract kit he wants....but if you get the chance, ask him.
For cost...well, I honestly haven't made beer from a kit in the last 5 years...But I don't think this should cost much more than 25-30$...Maybe less, as I said, I really can't say exactly. But can find out.
When are you going there?