When I plot a real update, I upload pictures weeks in advance, and plan it out for days.
I let you all know it's commin' by filling out one of these meme thingers.
Like this one, stolen from Jazrick
But before I get to that, lemme take a sec to thank y'all for the fabulous Birthday wishes.
And now..
Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on?
Depends on the company I'm keeping, but given the choice, I do everything naked.
Q2) Prefer black or blue pens?
Black. Like my soul. Right.
Q3) Dress up on Halloween?
Of course. And every day of the week preceeding. Sometimes even after.
Q4) Like to travel?
I do, but it gets more draining as I get older. ('cause I'm so ancient, at 25, y'know?) I also have developed a tendancy to take the financial windfalls that used to go to frivolous bus trips, and apply them to responsible things, like my Master Card Bill. Or starting my theatre company. Oh yes. You heard me right. Stay tuned.
Q5) Like someone?
I like most people I know. That's why I keep them around.
Oh! Oh, you mean like like. Yeah. A couple.
Q6) Do they know?
I'm fairly certain. I'm not the subtlest girl in the world when it comes to these things.
Q7) Who sleeps with you every night?
I'm a big geek. More often than not, I wake up with the Concise Oxford Dictionary in the bed.
Q8) Think your attractive?
Oh, fuck yeah. It's a miracle I ever leave the house.
Q9) Want to get married?
Yes. Which is a big breakthrough. 'Cause there was only ever one I ever thought I would, and when I realized I couldn't, I really didn't ever want to.
Q10) To who?
Oh, you know. Some guy. Maybe some girl. Maybe both.
Q11) Are you a good student?
I'm a terrible student. All my papers are at least a week late, and I don't think in my 7 years of university I've ever completed a reading. I am, however, brilliant, and the super-late-total-bullshit papers I do pass in get me A minuses. Sometimes I wonder if I'm graded on potential.
Q12) Are you currently happy?
Poor, but happy.
Do what you love, and the money will come.
Eventually. Hopefully. Oh, god, I hope so.
Having done school, doing what I love, having support, respect and encouragement from my peers and teachers.
Q13) Have you ever cheated?
It's not cheating if the rules say it's allowed.
Q14) Birthplace?
Moncton, NB, Canada
Q15) Christmas or Halloween?
Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo?
Colour. Freckles make so that in black in white, I look... pixelated.
Q17) Do long distance relationships work?
Yes. Sometimes better than the locals.
Q18) Do you believe in God?
Absolutely. Well. In a way.
Q19) Do you believe in love?
It's not like Santa. It's there. It exists.
Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
That depends entirely on what I'm wearing.
Q21) Do you drink?
Like a sailor. I've never met anyone who could outdrink me. The head of the Theatre I'm working at right now told me if I could outdrink him, I could have his job. Watch out.
Q22) Do you make fun of people?
Depends on if they can take it.
Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true?
If you want them to.
Q24) Favorite fictional character?
Lady Macbeth
Q25) Go to the movies or rent?
Depends on the mood I'm in.
Q26) Have you ever moved?
I have moved 18 times since September 1999. I am the pack-master.
Q27) What's up?
Well, we're about to find out, aren't we?
Q28) How's the weather right now?
Piss Pourin'
Q29) Last time you cut your hair?
Last May or June. Zak did it.
Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone?
The Married guy.
Q32) Loud or soft music?
Soft. I can't concentrate.
Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King?
Q34) Night or day?
I dunno, what are we doing?
Q35) Number of pillows?
Q36) Piano or guitar?
Q37) Future job?
Owner & Operator of some shade of performance space/theatre company
Q38) Current job?
Wee! I just got hired as a Venue Tech for the Fringe Festival
Q39) Current thought?
Why is it that when I'm hungry, and don't have the energy to cook or eat, 'cause I'm so hungry, I choose to drink milk, which just makes my empty tummy curse at me.
Q40) Current longing?
For a certain gentleman to snap out of his rut.
Q41) Current disappointment?
That I didn't get to stay in Theatre School long enough to take all the acting classes I wanted to.
Q42) Current annoyance?
My head hurts. I suspect it's my synth dreads, but goddamnit! They're hot!
Q43) Last thing you ate?
I had 2 Nibs, maybe 3 hours ago.
Q44) Last thing you bought?
A small carton of milk.
Q45) Most recent thing you are looking foward to?
The Magnetic North Theatre Festival
Q46) What are you wearing right now?
Purple undies and a red lace bra, and white gym socks.
Q47) Plans for the weekend?
I'm running the board at Mainline for I Am Yours
Q48) What did you do today?
I did a Media call for I Am Yours, Loitered at the Quebec Drama Federation for a bit, got m'self a job type thing and then ran the board for the Public Dress of I Am Yours (Have I mentioned you should see I Am Yours? You should. It's good.)
Oh, there might have been some crazy monkey sex somewhere in all that too.
Q50) Ever been drunk?
I'm not drunk. I'm a maritimer.
Tnx for the props
what is this fake entry crap?