I'm putting together a new sketchbook and a friend of my asked me to do a design for his next tattoo, so I decided to kill to birds with one stone.
Turns out, it's very hard to do.
So I decided to leave the bird killing thing for later and get to work on those designs. I was a little affraid 'cuz I got mad respect for tattoo artists and their work (people have tattooed my stuff before, but I never conceveid it as 'tattoo material') and I kinda like the result
Originally I was gonna throw in just 2 or 3 designs but now I feel like doing a bunch more

And this is 'Leche', who finally has accepted me as one of the pack

I still have to do 3 or 4 more desings for the book, so I'm open to suggestions and ideas!
Turns out, it's very hard to do.
So I decided to leave the bird killing thing for later and get to work on those designs. I was a little affraid 'cuz I got mad respect for tattoo artists and their work (people have tattooed my stuff before, but I never conceveid it as 'tattoo material') and I kinda like the result

Originally I was gonna throw in just 2 or 3 designs but now I feel like doing a bunch more

And this is 'Leche', who finally has accepted me as one of the pack

I still have to do 3 or 4 more desings for the book, so I'm open to suggestions and ideas!
Gracias por tu FR