So this is the new year.
And I don't feel any different.
I didn't make any resolutions. I made my last one three years ago when I quit smoking. I figure that feat should last for another few new years. Meanwhile, I am content to lay around on my ass and watch six episodes of Lost on dvd every night while I stuff my face with popcorn. Healthy? Probably not. I don't give a damn. I am broke and need entertainment. This will suffice. For now.
I'm taking my kitty to the vet on Saturday. I think he might have worms. Or worse, a kidney infection. Actually, I don't know which one is worse. But in either case, it's probably going to cost me at least $300 to cover the vet visits (i have two cats, and the other one is probably infected too if it's viral), blood work, medication, immunizations (which I keep putting off), yadda yadda.
Fucking christ.
And I don't feel any different.
I didn't make any resolutions. I made my last one three years ago when I quit smoking. I figure that feat should last for another few new years. Meanwhile, I am content to lay around on my ass and watch six episodes of Lost on dvd every night while I stuff my face with popcorn. Healthy? Probably not. I don't give a damn. I am broke and need entertainment. This will suffice. For now.
I'm taking my kitty to the vet on Saturday. I think he might have worms. Or worse, a kidney infection. Actually, I don't know which one is worse. But in either case, it's probably going to cost me at least $300 to cover the vet visits (i have two cats, and the other one is probably infected too if it's viral), blood work, medication, immunizations (which I keep putting off), yadda yadda.
Fucking christ.
I miss you, I hope we get to find each other sometime soon. Perhaps at some sort of SG get together, I have heard some talk of one

Aw, thankya luv! Yours I find to be most schmexy and pretty as well. I need to order as well, 3 in total I think! Yarg, why didn't I start this sooner?!?!?!