EDIT: Photos from Thursday eve in CHItown

(Preaching to the converted from a dusty corner...)
This link
is a 9 page summary of the goals of Obama's Health care plan.
As summarized even more briefly:
The Current Situation
Making sure every American has access to high quality health care is one of the most important challenges of our time. The number of uninsured Americans is growing, premiums are skyrocketing, and more people are being denied coverage every day. A moral imperative by any measure, a better system is also essential to rebuilding our economy -- we want to make health insurance work for people and businesses, not just insurance and drug companies.
The SolutionReform the health care system:
We will take steps to reform our system by expanding coverage, improving quality, lowering costs, honoring patient choice and holding insurance companies accountable.
Promote scientific and technological advancements:
We are committed to putting responsible science and technological innovation ahead of ideology when it comes to medical research. We believe in the enormous capacity of American ingenuity to find cures for diseases that continue to extinguish too many lives and cause too much suffering every year.
Improve preventative care:
In order to keep our people healthy and provide more efficient treatment we need to promote smart preventative care, like cancer screenings and better nutrition, and make critical investments in electronic health records, technology that can reduce errors while ensuring privacy and saving lives.
I support this. I'm willing to trust on the details, not out of a blind faith, but because I know he has some of the most thoughful and capable people writing and researching these proposals in cooperation.
Yes, Sauda DOES rock. That's no surprise though, since the two of you are freinds. I regret that it took me so long to meet her.