Hi everyone! Happy holidays!
Unfortunately, I have strep throat, so I'm not up to much. The good news is, I think that strep is the cause of some other health stuff I've been having, so I'll be doing much better soon enough! I did convince some people to deliver me some thanksgiving leftovers, and food minus family is basically the holiday dream. *insert praising hands emoji here*
Since I've been sick and on a crazy sleeping schedule due to medication, I've been playing video games, specifically one: Card Wars Kingdom! I have limited dexterity/hand-eye coordination and muscle spasms, so while I really do like video games, they're usually too stressful or frustrating. For those unfamiliar, Card Wars is a card game that also has multiple app versions, it's similar to Magic the Gathering except I can play it despite not having the attention span to learn Magic the Gathering. It's inspired by the fictional card game in the cartoon Adventure Time!
Cartoons are my first love, and I would very much like there to be more games in my favorite cartoons that are then brought to life.
Thank you, @rambo & @missy!