Ahhh,Thank you Tarnish for helping me make more sense of this.
Well,all I have to note is that I despise casts.I still can't believe my drunkard ass broke my ankle on my birthday!
I WANT OUT OF THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT! I just have cabin fever and absolutely can't stand being stuck anywhere.As Gay as it sounds I do have wings and anyone who knows me knows that.
I'm bloody shipwrecked.Ohh,I keep forgetting to mention it,I FUCKING LOVE 300! I saw it the day it came out and once more since.Plus I've had a crush on Gerard Butler since Reign of Fire and have kept a close eye on him ever since.
Ugh...someone talk to me,I'm bored

Well,all I have to note is that I despise casts.I still can't believe my drunkard ass broke my ankle on my birthday!

I'm bloody shipwrecked.Ohh,I keep forgetting to mention it,I FUCKING LOVE 300! I saw it the day it came out and once more since.Plus I've had a crush on Gerard Butler since Reign of Fire and have kept a close eye on him ever since.

Ugh...someone talk to me,I'm bored

That whole breaking your ankle on your birthday doesn't sound too good at all, but then the large pile of DVD's I own could see me through any long convalescence.
Hope you get better soon.
2. OH. MY. GOD. I think I would leave my husband for Gerard (yeah, uh, me and him? We're on a first name basis...). That man is so fucking beautiful. Aside from Gerard being NAKED NAKED NAKED, the movie itself was so awesome. We saw it on IMAX and were just blown away.
3. I am sorry bout you being in the cast and the whole cabin fever thing.
4. I miss you.
'k, that's all.