You'll never fucking believe it!!! I got my own computer.It was free,so therefore it's ancient and hideous.But,fuck it!!! It's free.Everyone please do me a favor.Cross your fingers for Tarnish's uncle.He's quite ill.He's an awesome guy and needs to pull through.
Well,other than me getting a comp of my own,nothing really is new.Except I've been talking to this guy down here and I thought we were hitting it off.I paid more attention to him in crowds and he's exactly like my ex.Creepy.So,that's no more.There are too many crazy fucks in my life as it is.Yup,still livin' single over here

Since you have your own computer does that mean you'll be on here more often? I hope so
Actually, I've been slacking, Chris is recovering, and he has pneumonia, NOT a viral infection in his heart. Which is good. But since his immune system is still really weakened from his heart condition(enlarged/weakened heart) and kidney failure, it's still pretty serious. But hopefully he'll be able to go home soon.
What are you doing tomorrow? Would you like to take a trip to hollywood(on monday night) to help me shoot two sets for TigerAngel, one for badassbetties, and one for PSW? That way you could pick up your corset while you're here?
I'll call you tonight to see if you're down. I miss you woman.