Well,not only have I moved back to The Ghetto,but now there's a little fuck who's going around putting nails in mine and Dogpounds tires! 3 times with both our trucks and other shit too.So motherfucking help me,if I catch these little fucks I'll slit thier throats......
Ok,done bitching.I went To The Irish Faire in L.A. the other day.I got drunk,ate corned beef and pretty much had a blast. I believe I'll go the next time it comes around.I'm hoping to get up to Tarnish's pad soon to discuss a new set.Something different perhaps..hmmm.I duuno,we'll figure something out.

I'll smile for you darlin' ---->
Hey i'll lose my cuz and you can get your butt over here and we can go see the Deftones together
And you're not even irish....